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Kotor 3

Darth Beowulf

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Well, if it starts, I guess I'd like to be Revan. This is going on one of my KotOR characters, by the way.


Name: Revan/Triko Skywalker (If its ok for the last name :D)

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Alignment: 3/4 Light

Weapons: Dual blue lightsabers

Clothes: Star Forge Robes, or Jedi Knight Robes (TSL)

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Now for my characters Bio



Bio: Jacen is unknown to the exile his/her little brother. He was sent by his parents to find the exile and bring him home to fight the Sith but Jacen got caught up in the Jedi civil war and became a dark jedi. Darth Malak sensed true power coming from his disciple and decided to brainwash him. For his first mission he was sent to his home planet to kill some rebels. In the battle that followed Jacen slaughtered his family. Jacen was then sent to Malachor V to find other Sith. He is the one responsible for Sion’s wounds in Kotor 2 when Sion tried to prevent him from entering the academy. Jacen stumbled upon the whereabouts of the true sith while studying at the academy and voyaged to the location given. There he became a mighty Sith Lord. He also rebelled against the sith and began his own fleet after he found out about the death of his Master Malak. He is now headed to Coruscant to kill the people responsible: Carth, Revan, and Bastilla.

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My charecter's bio:


Bio: When he was young, Jaslor had a good life, a good family, and a good brother. Later on in life, the Jedi Cival War started and he got caught up in it. He never saw his brother ever again after he joined the Jedi. He blames himself for his disappearance. Soon, he got caught up in the events of KOTOR 2. (His choices were all Light Side choices.) The Council(whatever was left of it) made him a Council Member. He is currently on Corusant, meeting with Triko Skywalker(Revan), Carth Onasi, and Bastila Shan.

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OKay guys lets do this anyone can do Revan storyline but I want to do Jacens story line cuz hes just cool and now I start




The bridge doors slid open on the bridge of the Tragedy. A Sith commander Caron dreaded meeting the Sith Lord about to board his ship. “Sir there’s a message coming from Darth Baon’s shuttle.” Put it on main Viewer.” The Screen flicked to life and a figure rapped in a dark cloak filled the screen. ”Commander, Darth Baon is dead, I will take his position as the captain of your ship as soon as I come aboard.” “Beg my pardon Lord but what is your name?” ”I am Jacen Salar rouge Jedi and your dead.” Two modified Sith Warships uncloaked in front of the Tragedy, Plasma weapons warming. “Feel free to be afraid Commander for fear leads to anger, anger lead to hate, Hate leads to suffering.” The Sith warships plasma cannons tore the tragedy into pieces in a matter of milliseconds. “Search for life forms,” Commanded Jacen. “No life signs detected sir, enemy forces completely decimated” “Good, All ships uncloak and prepare for slip space.” A hundred warships appeared all colored Jet black. “All ships launch a soon as I am aboard the Triumphant.” The shuttle pulled into Triumphant’s hanger bay. Ruptures in space appeared in front of all the ships. “Set course for Coruscant and ready battle stations. We are going to end this once and for all.”

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Amol Kotay

Species: Half Human, Half unknown alien

Gender: Male

Class: Jedi Consular

Allignment: Light Side

Weapon: Single bladed green lightsaber

Clothes: Black pants, black shoes, and a black shirt underneath a (you guessed it) black leather jacket.

Appearence: Blonde hair, 6'2 - pretty much average human, except for my black eyes.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Name: Merios Mulas

Species: Human

Age: 28

Personality: Angsty and unnerving.

Gender: Male

Class: Jedi Weapon Master

Allignment: Grey

Weapon: Single bladed blue lightsaber, A double-bladed yellow lightsaber, and a short bladed green lightsaber.

Clothes: Brown pants, light brown tunic, black fingerless gloves, black sash, black boots.

Appearence: Black Hair, 5'8" - Human, with a distinctive scar across his face, from a fight with his apprentice.

Residency: Dantooine Jedi Enclave (Jedi Master)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Name: Argus Rand

Species: Half Human, half Avalonian

Personality: Gentle, quiet; a deep thinker but when pressed, a skilled warrior

Gender: Male

Class: Grey Jedi

Alignment: fairly obvious

Weapon: possesses a singing blade of his people and a bronze bladed single lightsaber

Clothing: A grey Jedi robe, like in TSL

Appearance: dark brown hair, green eyes with flecks of gold, 5'7" and a distinctive tatoo on his right hand that he can't remember how it got there

Residency: wandering the galaxy, official residence at an enclave on Belos


Unknown to Jacen, the rogue Jedi, he was being watched by 25 yr old Argus Rand, a grey Jedi who had been tracking his movements since the saving of Citadel Station. Argus had sensed this rogue Jedi and that something was connected to the fate of the Republic with him. Taking precautions, he positioned his Stealth X fighter to observe Jacen's movements, watching him destroy the ship. He remembered the problems of the Mandalorian wars when Revan defied the council and wondered if this rogue Jedi was the same. Seeing that Jacen made the jump into hyperspace, he set his ship with the coordinates that Jacen left by his energy signature.

After jumping into hyperspace, Argus prepared to go into a trance. Just before he closed his eyes he said, "The Force works as it wills," and he closed his eyes. His astromech Bob2-C3 took over and monitored the Stealth X's progress.

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Name: Tradek Verilucus

Age: 35

Species: Human (Corellian)

Gender: Male

Class: Scoundrel

Class: Soldier

Appearance: Looks like a scoundrel, dresses like a scoundrel

Alignment: Grey, low morals, does some bad stuff. But overall intentions are LS


Arnament: Pazaak deck, Juma Juice flask, dual repeating-Mandalorian pistols.

Special Ability: Expert at pazaak, expert at cheating on pazaak, extraordinary with a pair of blasters, cracking security systems, computers, trained on how to combat force\lightsaber users especially Sith, is force sensitive.


Cool Possesions: A couple bottles of irreplaceable Tarisian ale (since Taris is gone), red lightsaber which he aquired from a Sith offficer in Jedi Civil War. Never uses it in combat, and never plans to, just keeps it as a trophy.


Description: Fought in Mandalorian Wars and Jedi Civil War as an elite Republic commando\agent. He Was under the command of the Exile during Mandalorian Wars. The Exile is the only man whose commands he would fully obey (due to the Exile's ability to inspire loyalty as depicted in K2). Tradek completed many strategic covert missions for Republic in both wars. Shortly after the war he was drummed out of the Republic military for constant insubordination and recklessness on missions. Tradek was suppose to be a Jedi, but was kicked out as a youngling (reasons unknown). He now spends most of his time in cantinas drinking away and playing pazaak. However he might still willing to answer the call, should the Republic or Jedi need his help.

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Argus Rand exited from hyperspace near Coruscant and surveyed the planet looking for any trace of the rogue Jedi Jacen. He spoke to his astro droid, "Bob2, scan the planet for any sign of Sith warships. I'm going to contact and see if Tradek sees or knows of anything, though I doubt he stays out of the cantinas long enough to know if something's amiss."

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"You know i'm worth the sacrifice to the council!" He said, sitting across from the small, yet wise master Yoklu (Like yoda and vandar..their species). "You are worth it, but not worth it to me. Sending you to Alderaan will be a mistake, and you know it." Merios sighed, standing up. "As you wish."

That night, he was getting his robes and clothing and such together in his room, making sure he had all that he needed. "I'm getting out of here.. going to Alderaan.. and leaving these bastards behind.." He thought to himself, slamming the top shut to his bag. "Master Mulas, what are you doing?" A small padawan asked him as he shut the door to his room. "Leaving, and if I were you, I would too." The padawan looked frightened. "Is something wrong master Mulas?" Merios' left eye twitched slightly. "Get to bed young one, you wouldn't want anything.. unfortunate.. to happen, now would you?" The padawan's eyes widened as he ran off. Merios sighed and leaned against the nearest wall. "Calm yourself...I can't let my emotions get the best of me.." He thought as he pushed away from the wall and headed outside to the landing pad.

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Failing to get a contact and thinking that Tradek was in the middle of high stakes again, Argus sat in his Stealth X and pondered what to do. He didn't want to interfere without having his back watched for he sensed that the rogue Jedi was rather emotional and erratic in his decisions. He almost made way to slip onto the planet's surface when he remembered something, an old friend who understood this rogue Jedi's emotions. Telling Bob2 to keep the ship steady, Argus used the Force to send a message, "Merios Mulas, I need your help."

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He stopped for a second, hearing a faint, but clear voice in his head. He nodded to himself and jogged for his Jedi Starfighter. He opened up the hatch as R7 D2 planted itself on the back. He tossed his bag under the pilot's chair and hopped in, switching on the computer console and closing the window. His fingers moved from key to key as the ship lifted off with some whirrs and beeps from his lone Astromech droid. "Steady as she goes Ar-seven." The ship turned towards space and took off, speeding towards the black abyss.

"Just have to get the hyperspace coordinates punched in.." He typed in around 7 keys into a small keypad and hit a small round button. Four small metal bars equipped with miniature jets came out from under his Starfighter, attaching themselves to either side of him. As he went to hyperspace, the ship's jets and the helper jets all flared up. 'I'll be there shortly.' He thought to himself, projecting his own thoughts to that of Argus's.

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As his ship came out of hyperspace, the four helper jets sunk back into the underbody of his ship. His fingers danced around the controls as he neared Argus's ship, the Stealth X not able to be seen normally, but on his radar it was there. He typed a few buttons into his Comm. link on his wrist. "Argus, i'm here, what did you need?" He said into the communicator, which would come out of Argus's as well. He set his ship to standby, letting it hover there.


(Hey, would you mind replying on my RP too JediMaster? It's getting lonely over there heh)

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((Which one is it? I'd be delighted to))


Argus answered his comm, "I tracked a rogue Jedi that has come to Coruscant. I do not know what he has planned but I sense he is full of anger. I believe you may be able to speak to him given your tendencies for outbursts of emotioon my friend."

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(The "Broken Galaxy" one, trying to get that active, people avoid it because it looks like a newb name started it.. my brother made this account, spelling enthusiast wrong :p)


He smirked a little to himself and reactivated his ship, going in a steady dive for the planet. "Tell me where he is and his coordinates and i'll see what I can do."

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"All I know is that he is aboard the Triumphant but he is difficult to read at times. The only thing consistent is anger much anger, like what you had at Master Yoklu. I'll be circling and try to insert myself into battle as one of his ships. Keep me posted," and Argus activated his engines and downshifted towards the fleet.

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He sighed a little and pulled up, speeding towards the Fleet, and more importantly, the Triumphant. As soon as he reached the fleet of ships, he spun around a couple of fighters and landed in the docking bay of the Triumphant. He leaped out of his Starfighter and withdrew his single bladed blue lightsaber as he landed. He sprinted forward, cutting down guard droids and Sith pilots as he went. He came to the first door and violently shoved his lightsaber blade through the control pad. The door opened.

He sprinted in, slicing several patrol droids and a couple innocent cleaning droids on his way in, for fun, of course. He reached a room filled with sleeping Sith. He couldn't control himself. He headed towards the first bunk, decapitating one and slicing another in half. He cut down the rest of the sleeping criminals in the room before heading to the next room, slicing down unarmed sith before finally making his way to the control room. He projected his thoughts to Argus 'I'm at the control room..'.By now, he was a bit calmed down. He had alot of anger pent up. This wasn't the Jedi way. He stood near the door, not entering it yet. The blade dropped down into the hilt of his saber and he put it in his sash, calling out to Argus. 'I...I've slaughtered countless.. countless sith..' He said, leaning against a wall. 'And I don't feel abit of remorse..what have I become..?'

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I spent my day doing the usual. Get up early and head down to the cantina. The cantina was rather busy today for some reason, and that meant more money for me. I sat down at a pazaak table and ordered some juma juice while awaiting any challengers. Pretty soon the Bith band started playing tunes, and twilek dancers were on stage. Another day of relaxation.


After 2 good cups of juma, a Rodian sat down for a game. We both won 2 rounds and it was down to the last one. The rodian stopped at 19 thinking he was going to beat me. I drew an 8, then a 10, just need a +2 card to win the game. 1000 credits are on the line and I can't afford to loose this one. A cold sweat began to run down my body. All I had +6 and -1 in my hand. The next card would probably put me well over 20. It was time for drastic measures. 1000 credits was something I just couldn't lose right now.When the Rodian turned around to order another drink, I drew a skifter from my sleeve and placed it into my hand while simultaneously removing the -1 card from my hand and placing it into my pocket. It was a risky move, but I spent hours already training in risky cheating manuvers, and practicing how to calculate statistics while playing. A dishonorable thing, but the money is quite sweet.


The skifter was a +\-2 card, and I laid it down for the Rodian to see. He grumped a bit, did a little protesting, but in the end handed me 1000 credits. Largest pot I've won in 3 days, and it put me in an excellent mood. I ordered another hit of juma, and began to enjoy myself. Whoops, my comm module was off, better turn it on just in case.


Yes, I cheated the Rodian, but he owes me one. Without me, he would be speaking Mandalorian right now, or be in shackles under the rule of Malak or Revan.

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