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Casting call.....KOTOR: Darkness falls.


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Hey gang....after a long absence from the Theatre company, I'm back, and I was thinking of starting a new RP. Here is the basic plotline.


Set five years after the event of KOTOR2, Revan is still missing from the galaxy, along with the Jedi exile who went off to find him. The JEdi Order is under massive reformation, under the guidance of Bastila Shan,along with several other Jedi, old and new, who managed to survive the Sion and Nihilus Purges. Admiral Onasi is now supreme Commander of the Republic Fleet, and continues his wait for Revan's return. Bastila herself, has been plagued by terrible dreams which some depict Revan in terrible pain, suffering torment at the hands of an unseen darkness, yet in other dreams, she sees Revan as a monster, reconnected to the DarkSide. Even more chilling are her visions of a Galaxy consumed by full scale war. Canderous, has rebuilt much of The Mandalorian might, that was destroyed at Malachor V, he remains hidden away on DXUN, awaiting word from Revan, or The Exile, on what to prepare for. After the deaths, of SION and NIHILUS, the Sith forces retreated into the unknown, and have not been seen or heard about since. But an overwhelming Darkness looms over the galaxy, prepared to strike a lethal blow to a fledging Jedi Order Struggling to Reestablish itself.


Both The exile and Revan are playable, Revan is Male, but the exile may be whatever Gender the person playing the part wishes. You may create and use any custom character, or character from the KOTOR series.


God Mode is a no no.....I know everone wants their character to Rock out, but we can't take it too far........(guilty in the past).


No killing other people's characters without their consent. So if ya think it fits the story for a PC kill.....send that person a PM.


You can control up to three characters, or only one if you wish......whatever floats your boat.


Force ghosts can be allowed......ie(anyone whos dead from the series or we believe to be dead)


Lets do all of our character Stats and Stuff on this thread.....so it doesn't clog up the actual RP when I post it. :D


Character sheet.










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Can I be a Time Lord? I promise not to go back in time and change events I don't like or anything like that.

If so, then:


Name: The Doctor

Age: unknown for sure. Somwhere between 900 and 1000 years.

Species: Gallifreyan

Allignment: Lightside

Appearence: He wears a long red trech coat over a patched sweat shirt, with black pants, a lopsided hat, and an extrememly long scarf around his neck.

Class: Time Lord

Weapon: The Sonic Screwdriver

BIO: Clicky

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Name: Brandon Oneda aka Revan

Age: dunno

Species: Human

Alignment: Light

Appearance: (I can't think of an appaerance under the mask. Can someone do that for me as a favor?)Darth Revan's Robes, Darth Revan's Mask

Class: Jedi Consular

Weapon: Green Staffsaber

BIO: (You know the KOTOR stuff so I'll do what happened during KOTOR 2) Was captured by a True Sith and tortured until he escaped and killed him. Took a ship and looked for more Sith for 5 years, smighting every one before they could escape the Unknown Regions. Nearly fell to the Dark Side, but turned away from it near the end of his 5 year journey. He thought he killed every True Sith. He might be wrong.

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Name: Karda Jal-Ordo

Age: 25

Species: Human

Alignment: Light

Appearance: Like the long, black-haired white guy in TSL

Class: Jedi Sentinal (Rank: Jedi Knight)

Weapons: Single Green Lightsaber

BIO: Born on Kashyyyk while his parents were forced to work for the Czerka, he was found by the Jedi and taken to Dantooine to be trained. He has progressed fast, and has become a very promising Jedi Knight.

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Name: Kira Starr

Age: Early Twenties...how old is the Exile, anyway? :p

Species: human

Alignment: Light Side

Appearance: http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a240/BastilaRevanforever/Random%20Stuff/exile.gif

Class: Jedi Master

Weapon: Silver Double-bladed (Saberstaff) Lightsaber

Bio: Kira fought in the Mandalorian Wars along with Revan and Malak. And for that, she was exiled from the Jedi Order by Masters Atris, Vrook, Zez-Kai-Ell, and Kavar. For the duration of the Jedi Civil War, she traveled the Outer Rim alone. However, five years afterwards, she returned to the Republic, and met Atton Rand and Darth Traya at the Peragus Mining Facility before its destruction. When a Sith-controlled Republic ship, the Harbrindger, arrived at the station, the trio, along with T3-M4, narrowly escaped as the Republic ship fired on the asteriod field and blew it all to bits. They were taken into custody for a short time at Telos before escaping to the surface. There, they met Bao-Dur and Atris. After a rather firey meeting between the two Jedi, the group began on a quest to find and rally the remaining Jedi Masters, meeting Disciple on Dantooine, Mandalore on Dxun, and Mira on Nar-Shadaa. Towards the end of her journey, Kira was forced to face off against three Sith Lords: Nhilus, Sion, and Traya, narrowly defeating them each.


((And sure, they can all hang out on the Ebon Hawk, I guess...))

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My character


Name: unknown.......presently....the cloaked figure.

Age: unknown

Height: 1.88m (6-2)

Species: Unknown.....human possibly

Alignment: Sith

Class: Sith Lord

Appearance: http://www.wizards.com/starwars/images/njo_gallery/88658_620_05.jpg

Weapon: http://thumbs.fotopic.net/583012000587.jpg

Info: Little is known of The Sith Lord draped in black armor and a sinister black cloak......as this is his first known appearnace to the Galaxy.

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Heres my character hope you like this soon to be antihero

Name: Jacen Salar

Gender: Male


Height:6 feet

Class: Jedi Rouge/Scoundrel

Powers: Force crush, Force storm, Force wave, Force kill, Death Field, Drain Force, Life-force Purge

Alignment: Complete Darkness

Weapons: Dual Mandalorian heavy blasters, Dual Sith red lightsabers

Ship: The Triumphant (modified sith warship he captured by himself during Jedi civil war and it’s the flagship of his fleet)

Bio: Jacen is unknown to the exile his/her little brother. He was sent by his parents to find the exile and bring him home to fight the Sith but Jacen got caught up in the Jedi civil war and became a dark jedi. Darth Malak sensed true power coming from his disciple and decided to brainwash him. For his first mission he was sent to his home planet to kill some rebels. In the battle that followed Jacen slaughtered his family. Jacen was then sent to Malachor V to find other Sith. He is the one responsible for Sion’s wounds in Kotor 2 when Sion tried to prevent him from entering the academy. Jacen stumbled upon the whereabouts of the true sith while studying at the academy and voyaged to the location given. There he became a mighty Sith Lord. He also rebelled against the sith and began his own fleet after he found out about the death of his Master Malak. He is now headed to Coruscant to kill the people responsible: Carth, Revan, and Bastilla.

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Name: Lana O'rae

Age: 24

Species: Human

Alignment: Nuetral

Appearance: long raven hair, green eyes, meduim size, toned.

Class: Force Adept/ Scoundral

Weapons: Heavy Blastor Pistol, Prototype vibroblade

BIO: During the last four years of her life she had took jobs for the republic and the sith. She doesn't pick sides and is known for her talent in a jack-of-all-trades sort of way. In fact in the underground most know her as... the Jack of the Broken Hearts.

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