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question about .rim files


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i want to add a camera into the .git of an existing module, the .git has of course a common name so i'd have to rebuild the .rim with the modified version, is there any way to do it?


It's probably easier to pack the whole module into a MOD file with the same name instead. If I remember correctly .MOD files have higher priority than .RIM files and will override the RIM when the module is loaded.


You'd have to extract all files from both the RIM files for the module though and pack them into the MOD with your modified GIT file. You can use the ERF Builder utility in KotorTool to create a new MOD file.

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yeah i tried that but it just… crashed :(

i just added the files, all the files, in the .mod with ERF builder. i first tried to build a .rim though but if it isn't an option in that dropdown menu it probably means kotorTool can't do that, neither can any other tool i know :(

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It shouldn't crash. I made tons of .mod files in the past and it never crashed. Just a question, are you dropping your .mod file in the Override folder? If yes, that could explain why it's crashing. You have to put it in the Modules folder only.


Also, make sure that you are repacking everything together: the .are, .ifo and .git files, as well as all the other files used by that module (*.ncs, .*utp, *.utc, *.dlg etc.)

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