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Well, forum time, at least...



*Joker, to the helicopter gunner*


"How can you shoot women, and children?"

"Easy! You just don't lead 'em so much!!!"

-Full Metal Jacket


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No, but that was the FIRST post out of everyone.



*Joker, to the helicopter gunner*


"How can you shoot women, and children?"

"Easy! You just don't lead 'em so much!!!"

-Full Metal Jacket


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I really don't want to explain why you're wrong so I'll post a WHOLE topic about it later.




RL stands for a lot more than Rebel Loyaltist


Real Lover

Really Likable

Real Life

Real Logical

Real Loyal

Real Lucid

Real Lusty


But for the best definition just use Rebel Loyaltist

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Shut up, RL. Hey roz!



*Joker, to the helicopter gunner*


"How can you shoot women, and children?"

"Easy! You just don't lead 'em so much!!!"

-Full Metal Jacket


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Flamebo... Oh... My BGM. biggrin.gif



*Joker, to the helicopter gunner*


"How can you shoot women, and children?"

"Easy! You just don't lead 'em so much!!!"

-Full Metal Jacket


This post has been brought to you by nitro.gifNitro nitro.gif

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Ike sucks! biggrin.gif



*Joker, to the helicopter gunner*


"How can you shoot women, and children?"

"Easy! You just don't lead 'em so much!!!"

-Full Metal Jacket


This post has been brought to you by nitro.gifNitro nitro.gif

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Guest Thrawn

The true millenium started this year. The media just hyped last year up because we weren't gonna be writing 19.... anymore in the year.




"Noobies Suck"


Rogue 6

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Ever wanted to run the universe?

Now you can! Residents of the ultra-snazzy SimSimSimSimSim are given their own simulated universe to create, build, and control as they see fit. And when you get right down to it, who's to say that their realities are any more valid then our own? For all we know, the whole of what we laughably label "reality" is defined by a handfull of clever AI routines running the Omniversal equivlient of a pocket calculator, and death is nothing more then some pansalactic being hitting the 'Clear' button.

Makes you think dont it?

Note: Proven through pure fiction.(But dont get your hopes down.)

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Guest Falconguy




And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I looked, and behold a pale, horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him

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how do you know there was no year 0? hmm? were you there? noone knows for sure. Hell, we don't even know what year Christ was born. Historians say it it somewhere between 3 and 6 BC.


to all you smarty-asses who say that 2001 is the start of the new millennium, cram it where the sun doesn't shine.

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I was there Ike, so there, there was no year 0 cause I called it one, and being as l33t as I am(obviously, right? no not really but oh well), so I know that this year started the new millenium. Um, Ike, how could Jesus be born in B.C. when it means BEOFRE CHRIST???


I was born in 108 BC, that makes me 2107 years old till september when I turn 2108.

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