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Curse of Monkey Island had the same interface and strangely it didn't bother me there.

I never cared to play the MI series. Now, The Dig has a neat point n' click system.


I'm going to do some thread hijacking here and ask who your favourite character is.

Hadn't the thread been hijacked already?, don't worry about it.

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I rushed from one puzzle to another and missed all kinds of extra dialogue and musings the first time around.

I suppose I see what you mean. I remember myself desperately trying everything on everything/everybody in vain attemts to move at least a bit further in the plot. :)


I'm going to do some thread hijacking here and ask who your favourite character is.

You know, this is a VERY difficult question. Much easier to say who's not my favourite character :). However, if pressed, I'd vote for Salvador as my 'favourite favourite'. Like Eva, I've always had this thing about noble men :).

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First of all I must say that you guys sure seem to be true HC-forumés!! :)


I'd say that I prefer the point n click games.. don't ask me why, I just feel that it fits with this puzzle thing 'cuz that way you can concentrate to the story more than if you played like in GF.


At this point, answerin to Naomi's question, I'd say that Manny's da man :D!! He just rocks; always so depressed but at the same time very khuuL.

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Yeah, Manny is definitely 'khuuul', he's on the top of my favourite character list, too. But when I need to pick one 'favourite favourite', I look for somebody I myself would like to be.

Though I wonder whom I really resemble? I still haven't decided between Don Copal, Gate Keeper and Lupe :).


That perhaps was asked many times before, but right now I'm reluctant to roam the forum, so please tell me whom do you associate yourself with?

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Actually, I don't think we have had that conversation, at least in the near past, Charie. We have talked about which character we'd like to marry, though. And I'm going to use same reply here: Celso Flores. He's just like me in many ways and analyzing his personality in the Reaper thread made it more obvious to me.


You've got trouble deciding between Copal, Gate Keeper and Lupe? That's an interesting trio since they don't really share that much in common. Do you perhaps have a complex personality which makes you seem like Copal on other days and Lupe on other? :D


At this point, answerin to Naomi's question, I'd say that Manny's da man !! He just rocks; always so depressed but at the same time very khuuL.


Yeah, Manny is one of the best protagonists ever.

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We have talked about which character we'd like to marry, though. And I'm going to use same reply here: Celso Flores.

I remember that thread, with somebody especially perceptive pointing out you were all talking about marrying dead people)). So, you'd marry Celso and you yourself are like Celso. Interesting. Why do you think you are like him?


As for me, I don't know whom I'd like to marry. Nobody there sounds like my type of guy. If I were a man I'd choose Meche:).


Do you perhaps have a complex personality which makes you seem like Copal on other days and Lupe on other?

Yes! That's exactly what I meant. When I'm at ease and concentrate on smth I'm Gate Keeper, but that happens rarely. When I'm alone. Mostly I'm either highly irascible, angry Don Copal or excited cheerful Lupe. Never anything in between. By the way, 'Don Copal' prevails:).


Loving GF is a sign of good taste and intelligence.

You think so? I'd rather believe the game's attraction is unresistable. Where there any cases of people playing GF and NOT loving it?


'Protagonist' means exactly what you said.

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So, you'd marry Celso and you yourself are like Celso. Interesting. Why do you think you are like him?


I don't know really. He strikes me as the quiet type who'd rather keep to himself than be saving the world. And that's just like me.


Mostly I'm either highly irascible, angry Don Copal or excited cheerful Lupe. Never anything in between. By the way, 'Don Copal' prevails.


You're a really interesting person then. :D


If I were a man I'd choose Meche.


You mean you're female? Man, all this time I thought you were a dude. Now I'm embarrassed.


You think so? I'd rather believe the game's attraction is unresistable. Where there any cases of people playing GF and NOT loving it?


My sister, my friend, a random reviewer who thought it was too difficult and probably a lot more people. Sad but true.

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He strikes me as the quiet type who'd rather keep to himself than be saving the world. And that's just like me.

I suppose I could go Saving the World, if you'd suggest it to me when I'm kind of 'Lupe'. Nobody sais, though, that the World would benefit from it.


You're a really interesting person then. :D

...If you are acquainted with the *right* side of my character. :)


You mean you're female? Man, all this time I thought you were a dude.

:lol: You are not alone in this, El Virus had been mistaken previously as well. I wonder, does that have some deep meaning?.. :rolleyes:

I guess just I have to explain that 'Charie' is, actually, a pet name for 'Charlotte'. Is that better?


My sister, my friend, a random reviewer who thought it was too difficult and probably a lot more people.

??? This is utterly inexplicable. Well, I had a friend who got stuck in the very beginning and hence dismissed the whole game, but that doesn't count.

Strange. Those people actually thought GF's bad?

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Whom do you associate yourself with?


I guess I am a mixture between Celso and the beatniks at the Blue Casket.


At this point, answerin to Naomi's question, I'd say that Manny's da man !! He just rocks; always so depressed but at the same time very khuuL.


That's what I liked about Manny, he always seemed kind of indifferent to the world.


-Where there any cases of people playing GF and NOT loving it?


-My sister, my friend, a random reviewer who thought it was too difficult and probably a lot more people. Sad but true.


I tried to get an acquaintance of mine to play the game, and after a while he asked me, 'Is there any shooting involved in the game?, it is quite boring without it'. I couldn't help but laugh and walk away.


You are not alone in this, El Virus had been mistaken previously as well. I wonder, does that have some deep meaning?..

I guess just I have to explain that 'Charie' is, actually, a pet name for 'Charlotte'. Is that better?


The only problem is that since one can't see the other person, one just has to assume. And statistics show that most of the people who join forums are men*; so most people take it for granted, unless the member states its genre.


*I am based on nothing but a newspaper article.


EDIT: Does anyone else think that the most difficult part of the game was El Marrow?

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Charie, I think I mistook you for a male because you remind me so much of El Virus. You both know a lot about interesting stuff and can analyze it in a way that doesn't stop amazing me.


Does anyone else think that the most difficult part of the game was El Marrow?


I'm going to have to go for the underwater mine in Year 3. The conveyor belt, saving Meche and all that. Ugh.

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El Virus

That's what I liked about Manny, he always seemed kind of indifferent to the world.

Viewing life, or death, for that matter, with an excess scepticism. I agree, that's most endearing.


He asked me, 'Is there any shooting involved in the game?, it is quite boring without it'. I couldn't help but laugh and walk away.

:lol: Oh I love this. Indeed, what one could answer to that?


And statistics show that most of the people who join forums are men

That's news to me. In all forums I've participated, the overwhelming majority of users were women. Perhaps that was by pure accident.



I'm going to have to go for the underwater mine in Year 3. The conveyor belt, saving Meche and all that. Ugh.

Same for me. I was completely at a loss there.

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That's news to me. In all forums I've participated, the overwhelming majority of users were women. Perhaps that was by pure accident.


I guess it depends on the kind of forum you frequent. I have only been in two forums, and I think the rule applies (I'm speaking about LF in general, not just the Grim Fandango corner; but it is mostly equal, I suppose).


-I'm going to have to go for the underwater mine in Year 3. The conveyor belt, saving Meche and all that. Ugh.


-Same for me. I was completely at a loss there.


I was at a complete loss in the beginning, in year three I had a clear objective at least.

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El Virus

I guess it depends on the kind of forum you frequent.

I've been in a few literary-canon fandoms' forums and a couple of original literary forums as well. Perhaps when computer games, especially shooters, are concerned, men are more frequent forumers. And for me Wolf 3D will remain the best forever))).


I was at a complete loss in the beginning, in year three I had a clear objective at least.

So, you did solve the whole game solely by yourself? I take off my head to you, then.

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So, you did solve the whole game solely by yourself? I take off my head to you, then.


Nah, you got me there. I kept reading the manual, which contained a solution to the first puzzle; and checked strategy guides for a part of El Marrow and the whole Lola's picture puzzle (this one was too hard, and a bit long), along other short things :(.


After this, I swore not to read guides for adventure games; and I've only played Full Throttle since those times.

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El Virus

After this, I swore not to read guides for adventure games; and I've only played Full Throttle since those times.

Didn't have many opportunities to act up to the vow? :)


I've played not many games all in all, but the only adventure I did without any help was Lost Eden, because I didn't have Internet at the time.

I think I've never badly misused solutions to the games, I've checked them only when I had been really stuck. Another exapmple of my father's scant contributions to my upbringing, he used to walk around all the time and say: 'don't use solutions, don't use solutions'. Kind of a substitute for my nonexistent conscience.

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Didn't have many opportunities to act up to the vow?


Not yet, but I plan on getting a couple of LucasArts games soon.



I've played not many games all in all, but the only adventure I did without any help was Lost Eden, because I didn't have Internet at the time.

I think I've never badly misused solutions to the games, I've checked them only when I had been really stuck. Another exapmple of my father's scant contributions to my upbringing, he used to walk around all the time and say: 'don't use solutions, don't use solutions'.


I am not a big video-game player, but after hanging around this community for a while I grew an interest in adventure games.


I don't regret cheating on Grim Fandango at all; all I am sorry for are those years I lost without the magic of it.


Kind of a substitute for my nonexistent conscience.

You too?

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El Virus

after hanging around this community for a while I grew an interest in adventure games.

Good for you. I think I grew out of them, sadly. Not adventure games, but games on the whole. Can't picture myself playing something new at all (I certainly plan to replay GF, when I get a copy, and a couple of others - some day). However, one never knows :).


I am sorry for are those years I lost without the magic of it.

You have the rest of your life. I somehow don't think that 'those years' of yours were so many)).


You too?

Me too - what? Don't have any evident amount of conscience? That's a very common trait of personality, you now. At least a lot of people claim so.

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Me too - what? Don't have any evident amount of conscience? That's a very common trait of personality, you now. At least a lot of people claim so.


Conscience is a relative thing (and potentially obnoxious, if present). It is just the result of our parents and society as a whole telling us what is ethical and what isn't. It might be useful for some, but if you are careful enough to think things over, it is highly unnecessary. My guess is that it will be overruled in a couple of years.


Sorry for that--


Oh, and I should add that on the 'whom do you associate yourself with?', I forgot about Membrillo. That means I would be a strange hybrid between Flores, a bunch of beatniks and a depressive forensic botanist. But I doubt anyone cares.

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El Virus

Well, I can't tell what exactly conscience is, but I'm fairly sure you notice it when feel it's pangs. It's considered good to feel profound remorse after doing something offensive, so that you wouldn't repeat that. It has more to do with human morals and emotions, not cold logic. As for parents and society establishing ethical norms - so what? It doesn't mean they are wrong. We all are part of society, willingly or not; to coexist peacefully we have to agree on some or other basic rules.

Ow, I guess I got carried away a bit.


I would be a strange hybrid between Flores, a bunch of beatniks and a depressive forensic botanist. But I doubt anyone cares.

I do. If I knew you personally I'd no doubt try to associate you with someone myself. Kind of hobby of mine, or the way of thinking.

So, Flores, Membrillo ans beatniks? Sounds like a very calm person. Brave if needed, philosofical by nature, and a beatnik. Hmm.

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Well, I can't tell what exactly conscience is, but I'm fairly sure you notice it when feel it's pangs. It's considered good to feel profound remorse after doing something offensive, so that you wouldn't repeat that. It has more to do with human morals and emotions, not cold logic. As for parents and society establishing ethical norms - so what? It doesn't mean they are wrong. We all are part of society, willingly or not; to coexist peacefully we have to agree on some or other basic rules.

Ow, I guess I got carried away a bit.


Sure, mine was more of a fatalist approach.


The problem with remorse, ethics and laws is that they might prevent a person from doing something when he feels it necessary (I'm not talking about killing or stealing from someone, etc. that is another issue).


I do. If I knew you personally I'd no doubt try to associate you with someone myself. Kind of hobby of mine, or the way of thinking.

So, Flores, Membrillo ans beatniks? Sounds like a very calm person. Brave if needed, philosofical by nature, and a beatnik. Hmm.


That's a nice way to put it. Was the Hmm directed to my beatnikness? :)


You still consider yourself a Lupe/Copal gal?

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El Virus

The problem with remorse, ethics and laws is that they might prevent a person from doing something when he feels it necessary

(As well as make a person do what he feels is necessary. In minor issues, at least).

Well, too much of anything, even conscience, is never good.


Was the Hmm directed to my beatnikness?

I didn't know what beatniks were, exactly, so I had to look it up. Now I'm trying to figure out in which way you meant it.


You still consider yourself a Lupe/Copal gal?

Person, I'm a Lupe/Copal/very-rarely-Gate Keeper person. Why would I change my mind about this? You think I'm not like them?

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