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Official What Year The Millenium Started Thread

Rebel Loyaltist

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The New Millenium started LAST YEAR and here's why. The year dating BC ended when Christ was born. So when Christ was born he wasn't 1 year old he was 0. Years work the same way. A year can't be place if it hasn't happened. So basiclly here's what happened.


<BC-------0(Christ Born)-----2000(new millenium)----Jan. 3 2000




RL stands for a lot more than Rebel Loyaltist


Real Lover

Really Likable

Real Life

Real Logical

Real Loyal

Real Lucid

Real Lusty


But for the best definition just use Rebel Loyaltist

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Guest Vark111

It has *nothing* to do with when Christ was born/died/whatever. No one knows exactly what year those events took place anyway. We can only guestimate within a 5 year timeframe.


It is defined by the numbering system that historians have adopted. Historians do *not* indicate a year 0 BC or a year 0 AD. The "smallest" year in the historical numbering system is 1. Has nothing to do with biblical things. 2000 years ago, acording to the calender system that we are still using, it was year 1 AD. One year prior to that, it was the year 1 BC. Go look at a good historical timeline and you'll see.



It takes all kinds... The question is, what is 'it'?


<edited for typos>


[This message has been edited by Vark111 (edited January 03, 2001).]

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There was no year 0 the calendar started at year 1 AD so the first millenium started in year 1, 1000 years later started the second millenium in the year 1001 and 1000 years after that started the third and actual millenium 2001




1 + 1000 + 1000 = 2001

wow that was a complicated calculation.. wink.gif<font size =-3>




[This message has been edited by Jem (edited January 06, 2001).]

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I'm with Jem, but if you want another way to look at it, when a baby is born he/she isn't a year old or 0 years old, but instead it is counted by days, and months. Same with the millenium it was 1 month old last January, ect. and now it is 1 year.



"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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You're ALL wrong. Prepare to be CORRECTED. and i mean CORRECTED.


Step 1: Forget everything you THOUGHT you knew

Step 2: Institute a new calendar system

Step 3: the new "zero year" is 1982. more specifically, April 7, 1982 is the "pivot point" for the new system

Step 4: I dont' care what happens now. all that matters is that it's year 18 and this "millennium" stuff doesn't matter.

Step 5: I get to brag because my birthday is the basis for a calendar system.

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Guest SadShadow

who cares????? the party of the last year was great!!!!!! o yeahhhhhhhhh WHO WANT SOME!??????? biggrin.gif




"Im becoming less human..."



The Lone Shadow Wing

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Guest Falconguy





And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I looked, and behold a pale, horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him

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