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Guest Ike

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You know when I highlight those smiles( smile.gif) with my mouse, the face changes.One of them looks like a face with that sad eyebrows sign and a shorter mouth.The other looks like a mad eyebrow sign and a happy smile.This is baffeling me.



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Guest guildenstern

You're all nuts.


Hi Ike! =) Uhh...email...yeah...well, y'see, I didn't think you were on these forums anymore, and I just wanted to get in contact with you, so I came here to get an email adress...but then you were here! And so then I had gotten in contact you...uhm...See? smile.gif

But I guess I could still email you.

It all started when I was going through my mailbox, looking for all the old ones I could trash because the box was just too darn full, when I came across some little Winnie the Pooh poems...*hee. And so then I felt writing you again. But here you are.

But I guess I could still email you.




ps, am I guidy on purpose?



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Guest guildenstern

Hey now, don't go laying blame; you haven't talked to me in just as long. =þ


You're still an admin? Even after you resigned? Ha! (*laughs at you*)

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Guest guildenstern

And now you take off. <font color=black>></font><font color=white>=</font><font color=red>þ</font> Fine then! <font size=-2>



[This message has been edited by guildenstern (edited January 02, 2001).]

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i'm still sorta here. gotta keep my public happy, ya know.


i *would* have talked to you more often if you could have been found on icq!

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You know, GUNNER, I think I left some of my porn in there too... Lay down on the big couch, and look up at the ceiling... biggrin.gif




I am not a 'pigeon' or a 'shithawk',

And I don't 'drive planes' or bark commands.

I don't wear bowls, beanbags, or odd things on my head,

Although I am certain they are really, really... comfortable.

I'm in a Squadron, not a Corps.


I speak to my Cadets - not scream at them;

And I polish my boots, not my shaved head.

I can proudly wear my blue uniform and wedge.

I have a Warrent Officer First Class, not a "Chief" or a "Gunny"

Recruits, not 'New Entrys';


And that flying is a truly proud and noble profession!

A wedge is a hat; a thermal is an air movement;

And it's called 'a boot' - not 'an unpolished shoe';

It is one of the largest services,

The only one with morale,

And the best Cadet unit of all!




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Ain't porn the greatest? Hell, it's cheaper then dating! biggrin.gif




I am not a 'pigeon' or a 'shithawk',

And I don't 'drive planes' or bark commands.

I don't wear bowls, beanbags, or odd things on my head,

Although I am certain they are really, really... comfortable.

I'm in a Squadron, not a Corps.


I speak to my Cadets - not scream at them;

And I polish my boots, not my shaved head.

I can proudly wear my blue uniform and wedge.

I have a Warrent Officer First Class, not a "Chief" or a "Gunny"

Recruits, not 'New Entrys';


And that flying is a truly proud and noble profession!

A wedge is a hat; a thermal is an air movement;

And it's called 'a boot' - not 'an unpolished shoe';

It is one of the largest services,

The only one with morale,

And the best Cadet unit of all!




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