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Easy level up tips!


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Hey I recently went to Kashyyk and I found this guy that gives you a level up and some cash if you kill some lizard things (cant recall name at moment). So if your ever in Kashyyk look around the forest (but dont go threw the gates) and you will find this guy. But be careful the lizards are level 26 (luckly I had my level 59 LE Repair droid ;) )

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one you get experienced enough, i suggest heading over to yavin, there are lvl 60+ mobs there, but once you hit about 30 you can kill them, they give around 300 xp each, so its not bad, just dont try and take more than one at a time and always backpedal (also if you have a snare attack, its very useful)

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  • 3 weeks later...

For those crafters...


1. Join a City... no.. join a city that will help you. I was fortunate enough to join Soul of Teague on the Wanderhome server and they've helped me immensely. Having Personal Mineral Extractors at an early period helped me... alot. I got money, a swoop and a house. But it is the PME's you new crafters need above anything else.


The game is designed for you to work in a larger group. You can try to be the lone crafting hero, but youll just prolly end up lonely.


What I've done...


I suggest knives until you have a steady stream of materials to make mineral survey devices.


I run two crafting windows while Im doing this.


I open the first... craft

During the cool down period you can open another separate crafting device and craft.


This takes out the time necessary for the cool down. As soon as I started doing this I starting pumping out levels. Sure its repeatative, but so is running out and killing the same animals and your getting about 50-70xp every 20 seconds or so constantly.


Then switch over to extractors...


I just started and I am using three crafting tools. Progress seems to be going well.

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