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T3 wierdness.. and other stuff (spoiler?)


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I can't get T3 to show the holovid of bastila/carth.. i've maxed out the upgrades [computer], [repair] and [computer/repair]. my char's intelligence is 14 awareness is 20, wisdom is.. 16? I read the the inf guide but still no holovid. What i'm doing wrong? p.s. i did got it once, long time ago.. maybe before the last official patch. i'm not sure. And didn't you get to replay it too?

And i can never ask T3 about HK-47 in the storage compartment or why T3 is building him or why is the navicomp voice locked like the complete inf guide says..


Other stuff: Do i gain inf with mandalore any other way than killing people with him in my party? How many ppl do i need to kill to get that Revan dialogue?


Is there a fix to Mira dialogue after i train her to a jedi? I always get that "You seem restless" bit after the training.


Hmm i bet there were somnething else i wanted to ask but i can't remember what it was.. well thx anyway.

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