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I'm back. Anyone want to fill me in on what I missed?




I am not a 'pigeon' or a 'shithawk',

And I don't 'drive planes' or bark commands.

I don't wear bowls, beanbags, or odd things on my head,

Although I am certain they are really, really... comfortable.

I'm in a Squadron, not a Corps.


I speak to my Cadets - not scream at them;

And I polish my boots, not my shaved head.

I can proudly wear my blue uniform and wedge.

I have a Warrent Officer First Class, not a "Chief" or a "Gunny"

Recruits, not 'New Entrys';


And that flying is a truly proud and noble profession!

A wedge is a hat; a thermal is an air movement;

And it's called 'a boot' - not 'an unpolished shoe';

It is one of the largest services,

The only one with morale,

And the best Cadet unit of all!




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Guest rosencrantz

oh yeah and...you missed nothing but the usual madness of this place. there is also a newbie named plasmo watch out for her, she's a bean-head biggrin.gif <font size=1>


[This message has been edited by rosencrantz (edited January 16, 2001).]

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

You missed R9's vasectomy, and Nute's love affair with two of the Spice Girls.


Did you hear about Thrawn's latest sentencing date? Man, there's just too much to bring you up to date on...!



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Guest Coffeebean_uk



An Air Cadet. Kill him. He is scum.


*Draws Cadet rifle. Shoots Ryan*


Dont Mess With The Army Cadets, Scum!





Lestes constase mit column cantes.


Dont know what it means but it sounds good!

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I just got back from cadets , actually! I'm going flying this weekend!



This post has been brought to you by: God


I owe him more then anyone here can imagine.

I guess dedicating my sig to His Glory is a half-decent start.

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Welcome back oh one whom I've never met. By the way, I resent being called a beanhead Rosie. At least I don't have turtle breath!!

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