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Am I not the only one who would LOVE some action figures based on the characters from this amazing game? Seriously the characters were so creative and the artistic style for this game was EXCELLENT. :twogun: It reminded me of a Tim Burton film. But truly the best thing I think about Tim's Schafer's games is he never steps back he is always creating new environments and always expanding the worlds that he is currently working on. Psychonauts has just that, a very LARGE psychadelic world with enough characters and environments that it could go on for at least three more sequels. But that probably won't happen. So yeah. Action figures, I definately want them and it would definately encourage sales for the game. I think once people get around the weird title they'll find out that this is truly an amazing game.

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.....Yeah, some action figures would be great, but sales would be low. Like all of us already know, Psychonauts was the winner of the gamespot award 'Best game No One Played' Sure, those of us who have expierenced it know of it's greatness, but those whom have not played it and know nothing of it just give them somthing more to redicule about us. All people want know a days are games with blood, excessive swearing, dance pads, and racing. We gotta face the facts that hardly ANYBODY appricates good design or artwork anymore.

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Action figures would really be cool, but given the criminally low sales figures of this incredible, wonderful game, it looks like we'll have to settle for as many goodies as the budget will allow from the Double Fine Shop.


I really like the print that has the multitude of characters on it; if I had money to burn, I'd grab one of the signed/numbered jobbies; but alas, looks like I'll have to try and get one of the regular prints for my birthday in a few months.


Seriously the characters were so creative and the artistic style for this game was EXCELLENT. It reminded me of a Tim Burton film.

Yes--I saw Corpse Bride on the same day I started Psychonauts, and was happy to note some of the similarities; great stories and characters in both of 'em. I was a happy camper.

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CylonRedux, that looks like the icon I made for Allie, just resized..... Are you an icon stealer?

Nah, I grabbed this from Psychonauts comics and just cropped it down. I love Sasha Nein; I guess I should have looked around a bit before I chose an avatar. You could always say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, if you want to. But since I don't want anybody assuming I'm a low-down thief right off the bat, perhaps I'll do some hunting around.

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OMG, we all love Sasha around here. Allie, seriouslly loves him,I'm sure if he were real, she would kidnap him, and lock him in a closet.


That's it? I'm sure she would do something more wicked.


The Psychonauts action figures could come out at a criminally terrible time like the Invader Zim action figures did. A few years after the show was cancelled. If so, then we could be getting these action figures when Double Fine's new game is released.


If they release action figures soon, or at all, I'll be suprised. Psychonauts was not selling so hot and it might put the company at risk if they start investing too much into merchandise that might not sell.


Yet again, Psychonauts fans seem strangely dedicated as shown above.

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