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I found a small bug *Minor Spoilers*


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It is my first attempt to play DS in TSL. It is going well, even with my screwups that gain me LSP. One such mistake made me laugh. I killed Lootra in an apartment, then I said to his wife, "It probably is [too good to be true]. Have fun looking for your husband."


Well, I gained, to my surprise, LSP, and later I saw her alone in Lootra's apartment. I talked to her, hoping to rectify my LS Shift. But she instead thanked me for helping her find her husband! Odd, I killed him! :o

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Yeah, well even I found a bug (which has occured multiple times, mind you).


This happens when you go to the Secret Academy. The Handmaiden asks me drop my weapons. Here, if I choose anything other than the first option, I get a light/dark side shift, and my character resumes. I can move around, talk to handmaidens, with my weapons. Kreia and Atton hang around at the entrance. If I try talking to them, a "Cheat Node" dialogue comes up. It says "Exit" and "Skip to PC Conversation." If I choose the second option, Kreia says "A critical moment approaches" and I get the conversation between me and Atris. Once the convo is done, nothing happens. Kreia and Atton are still at the entrance.


This was especially irritating when I played it for the first time. I wondered for days, checking FAQs and Walkthroughs, when I finally decided to reload the saved game and chise the first option this time.

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Say, do you have a fix for the OTHER bug I have been unfortunate enough to run in to?


I am on Korriban, secret tomb. (Who picked the lighting for that tomb, anyway? It looks hideous with the blueish-whatever it is) I am supposed to recieve a cutscene after defeating "Revan". But I don't. I'm locked in the tomb, and can't escape! I have heard of this for the X-Box, but assumed they fixed it in the PC version. If I need to, I can provide screenshots of the exit saying "LOCKED".


This does it. I never had any bugs on LS, and my character looks better anyway. I'll finish DS if I can, and never do this again! ;)

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It is my first attempt to play DS in TSL. It is going well, even with my screwups that gain me LSP. One such mistake made me laugh. I killed Lootra in an apartment, then I said to his wife, "It probably is [too good to be true]. Have fun looking for your husband."


Well, I gained, to my surprise, LSP, and later I saw her alone in Lootra's apartment. I talked to her, hoping to rectify my LS Shift. But she instead thanked me for helping her find her husband! Odd, I killed him! :o


Same thing happened to me. I was almost full darkside, and it was my first attempt at it as well. So I thought I'd mock her dead husband, and before I know it, I'm neutral!!

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I'm sorry StaffSaberist but I have never had this bug happen, and I did 3 DS and 3 LS playthroughs on the Xbox with no real problems, I never have had this bug. That sounds wierd! :eek:


Something you might want to ask about or look up on the Obsidian Forums though. ;)

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I'm sorry StaffSaberist but I have never had this bug happen, and I did 3 DS and 3 LS playthroughs on the Xbox with no real problems, I never have had this bug. That sounds wierd! :eek:


Something you might want to ask about or look up on the Obsidian Forums though. ;)


Well, I heard about it, that it happens occasionally, but this is the first time I've had it happen to me! Instead of seeing a vision of myself as well that faded when the intro to "Revan" began, I just saw "Revan", and instead of getting a cutscene and 2000 XP, I only got 1000 XP. When I tried to leave, I saw this. But I loaded a save from before the secret tomb and it worked after that.

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How's this for a bug? On Nar Shadaa, I found that if you fail to complete the sidequest involving Tien Tubb's maintence droid or if you fail to speak to the deadbeat who uses you to get out of trouble with those two goons from the exchange, once you get him out of trouble, you won't beable to leave the planet. In both instances, the Exiile ends trapped in the underground hideout under the Jekk Jekk Tarr with no way to escape. You won't find this out however until after the Exile gets captured by GO-TO. After that you will get a cutscene, but not the one where Kriea revives Hanharr to hunt down Mira. Instead you see two of those warriors dueling with vibroblades in the kath hound den, then the game will switch back to the Exile, who'll be in the computer room and will be unable to leave the underground hideout. Now thats a bug.


"A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man"!

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Or this big bug: I finished speaking to sll the Jedi Masters, but forgot to speak to Kreia, who says that you gotta go to Dantooine. So, having not spoken to her, I walk into the Council Room of old, and spoke with them for a while, then was released. I was standing next to the Masters on Dantooine! But the dialog was only halfway done, so I "used" Master Vrook to speak with him. He just... died... right there. I tried it on all three masters. They died as I spoke to them. Talk about bad breath!


The story gets better. I start to walk out, and Kreia approaches. Then, I get the dialog you WOULD get if you were Dark Sided! I was LS! I was thoroughly confused, no doubt.

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But the dialog was only halfway done, so I "used" Master Vrook to speak with him. He just... died... right there. I tried it on all three masters. They died as I spoke to them. Talk about bad breath!


The story gets better. I start to walk out, and Kreia approaches. Then, I get the dialog you WOULD get if you were Dark Sided! I was LS! I was thoroughly confused, no doubt.


Talk about the touch of death...


This thread titled "...small bug" and it reminds me of a bizarre one from the original KotOR...


On Korriban, when you need to get the sith medallions, there are 2 sith you can slaughter to steal their medallions. The cowardly group can be scared away, so there's that backup guy, the one who drains the rodian and who threatens the Twi'lek. After killing him, every time I zone out of there and run through that area, I can hear the Rodian dying (and they have EXTRAORDIANRILY long death noises...somewhere around 15 seconds of their crazy bug-eye banter). It was creepy, but you kind of had to be there to appreciate the humor in it I guess.


And I've also had that academy bug, that link fixed it.

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Talk about the touch of death...


This thread titled "...small bug" and it reminds me of a bizarre one from the original KotOR...


On Korriban, when you need to get the sith medallions, there are 2 sith you can slaughter to steal their medallions. The cowardly group can be scared away, so there's that backup guy, the one who drains the rodian and who threatens the Twi'lek. After killing him, every time I zone out of there and run through that area, I can hear the Rodian dying (and they have EXTRAORDIANRILY long death noises...somewhere around 15 seconds of their crazy bug-eye banter). It was creepy, but you kind of had to be there to appreciate the humor in it I guess.


And I've also had that academy bug, that link fixed it.


Hey I got this bug too.... I had no clue what was going on! :beam3: I ignored it but never found out what it meant. I should have known it was some crazy bug after checking the rodian at the front desk several times.


Speaking of bugs I have one... please check my thread: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?p=1985745#post1985745

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