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Lots of Admin's??


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matt-- last posted on these boards sometime last month, it could just be that he hasn't got any of your messages yet, as it would tell you if his inbox was full. That said, coupes is right, I doubt he'd have taken them away if he was just going to give them back to you.

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Wow, haven’t heard this question in a while. LucasForums.com provides the forums for LFNetwork sites, as pointed out above. Before LucasForums opened, LFNetwork had several major sites each with its own set of forums and moderators, chief among these was JediKnight.net. In order to improve service and cut costs we decided to merge all of our forums onto one server under one domain.


I am one of the partners who founded LFNetwork many years ago. I initially set up the first few forums on LucasForums when we were still experimenting with the concept; this is why I’m listed as user number 1. After we decided to implement LucasForums network wide we attempted to transfer all of the users and messages from our diverse group of forums to LucasForums. The users that were transferred during the move of course have older registration dates then I do.


We are currently in version 2.0 of LucasForums and I couldn’t be prouder of how things have turned out. But I can’t take much credit for this, our incredible staff of moderators and admins are the ones who made this site what it is today.

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