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A Possible Different Kind of Mandalorian Armor/Robe?


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Well, I keep seeing the standard Mandalorian armor in the game where it's all sleek looking and tall and brute looking, but maybe something else I was thinking of may make you think this is an awesome idea.




Maybe, if it's at all possible, to possibly take the Darth Revan Robe with the mask and hood on and edit Revan's mask and edit over with a Mandalorian mask inside the hood like the one in the pic. If it's also possible, maybe the other parts of the Revan Robe can have the red colorations of the pic as well for the new Mandalorian Robe. I'm not trying to overwhelm anyone, but yet again, if this is indeed possible, maybe there can be other colors to choose from as well besides red (like maybe an olive green, a blue, and possibly a brown).


As far as stats are concerned, I really have no specifications. If anyone can do this, it's really up to you. Good stats for an awesome looking armor/robe sort of uniform would indeed be of importance for this unique item.


If this can be done, I'd like the Mandalorian Armor/Robe to be a unique body item (no editing over a regular item in the game), and have no restrictions to either the Light Side or the Dark Side (also have no Jedi Defense restrictions).

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Click the "This" in my post for the thread and more info ;)


I believe its Commas, and Mono_Giganto...

And its CLOSE to what you want but not exact. I am sure someone could reskin what they are working on however after they release it.


Wha? There isn't a link to anything in your post man! *confused*

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