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Feeling Of Fandango


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Wow, that's good.


For me it feels like a glimpse into another world or state of being where I feel totally comfortable with myself and experience this sense of wonder and excitement. But also there is that sadness in the back of my mind that reminds me that this experience is only limited and has an end.

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It was like no other experience I'd ever had; I mean I'd played games like Monkey Island and Sam & Max but this was different; it dealt with different aspects such as death-within-death and how far some people would go to get to heaven. Yet indeed as with all things it came to an end; you play it once though, and it'll stay with you for along time.

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You people word it so beautifully. I must say, I was struck with how some of the heavy issues were held in the game. Especially the "sprouting" or the death within death. Sure, they made some jokes about it but there was this profound feeling of desperation and loss when the person is snuffed out. Just...gone.


Was anyone else moved by the death of Lupe and Chepito's leaving? I know it sound odd for such a senseless attatchment to the characters but, for all the jokes and quirkiness of the situation, you know something big just happened.

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Do you mean Lola? A lot of people say her sprouting was the most emotional scene in the game, but for some reason I never cared much about that. I guess it's because we didn't see her that much and I didn't learn to care about her in the same way I cared about some of the other characters. She barely appeared and then she was gone. I'm not saying that it left me cold, just that I can think of scenes that touched me more.


Like Salvador. Being betrayed by Olivia (I trusted her completely at that point, so it felt like she betrayed me too), sacrificing himself and then Manny finding out that Sal had had a ticket all along. Now that's what I call tragic.


Very few will agree with me, but I was also very sad to see Nick's train jump the tracks. Despite that he was such a corrupt bastard I really grew to like him. He's my second favourite character in the entire game. I can't help pondering what might have driven him into buying an NN Ticket. He was a good lawyer, surely he could have made a fortune in Nuevo Marrow.


But I'm rambling, so I'll stop before everyone falls asleep.

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Do you mean Lola?


:fist: ...Yes.


Like Salvador. Being betrayed by Olivia (I trusted her completely at that point, so it felt like she betrayed me too), sacrificing himself and then Manny finding out that Sal had had a ticket all along. Now that's what I call tragic.


I'd agree with you. Its not that I didn't think this wasn't emotional, I just mentioned a few off the top of my head.


Very few will agree with me, but I was also very sad to see Nick's train jump the tracks. Despite that he was such a corrupt bastard I really grew to like him. He's my second favourite character in the entire game. I can't help pondering what might have driven him into buying an NN Ticket. He was a good lawyer, surely he could have made a fortune in Nuevo Marrow.


No, no, I feel the same way too. I mean, we know he's evil and we know he probably deserved his fate, but you also grow a feeling of attachment to the character. Most of the characters in Grim Fandango are fully realized and they're more than just "Bad guy A" or "Thug 1". They've experianced and developed as a person. You can tell this through bits of dialouge or a few actions. The plot is character driven, it couldn't have worked any other way.


Now back on topic, I beleive that the only reason he left was because as Manny said, "Everyone just want's to get out of here." (I wouldn't quote me on that). And at some point or another, he's going to have to leave the Land of the Dead. You can't spend all of eternity there.

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Now back on topic, I beleive that the only reason he left was because as Manny said, "Everyone just want's to get out of here." (I wouldn't quote me on that). And at some point or another, he's going to have to leave the Land of the Dead. You can't spend all of eternity there.


True, but as Domino says in the missing dialogue, he and Hector have found out how to make the Land of the Dead livable and that they don't want to leave at all. I always thought that Nick was a little like them. Then again, perhaps he just got fed up with everything. Have you read 'Fleshless Dream' by flame mage? It's a fabulous fanfic and features the following scene.


I slipped my sproutella gun back inside my trench coat, stepped neatly over the body, and opened the desk drawer. Inside were the three checks.


"Can't say I'm surprised," a voice said from the doorway. Nick Virago stepped into the room and looked down at the rose-covered corpse. "I always knew you'd come back to clean up."


"I'm getting predictable, then. How dull. I'll have to shake things up a bit," I replied coolly as I shut the drawer and came around the desk to face him, the body in between us on the floor.


"You may have to work a little harder to do it than you're used to. I doubt even this will shake Rubacava up much these days." He gestured to the rosebush.


"It will soon. Hector and I will take the place over. In a year, you won't recognize it."


"I won't have to." He looked at me levelly through the bluish haze of smoke both our cigarettes were producing. "I'm leaving."


"You're what?" I demanded, thrown for once.


"I'm leaving. I have a ticket on the Number Nine two days from now."


I stared at him. "Why? Why not become Hector's personal lawyer and gain even more power than you already have? This place could be yours, Nick. Why would you give up that kind of reward for a pipe dream like the Ninth Underworld?"


"That darling boyfriend of yours convinced me," he said flatly. "For a long time, I was like you. I never looked beyond the next rung of the latter. But sooner or later, that ladder has to end. There's a destination. This may be it."


"You can't possibly be serious."


"I'm one of the most powerful men in the Land of the Dead. Where is there to go now? You're right; I could take this place over, become a businessman myself. But for what? So I could end up like Maximino?"


I was silent. He continued, "If you like it this way, you win. I'm not going to sit here and wait for you to tire of me. I'm going to get out and get what I deserve while the getting is good. Enjoy the top alone--you clawed yourself there that way."


My laughter came out too harshly. "Almost poetic."


"There's no poetry in this, Olivia. There never has been. There's nothing in this life."


Funny, I get a message telling me that my post is too short. :confused:

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Heh, well I've read all of your stories Vampire Noami, all of Tyraa Rane's and I'm starting on Rei.


Then once I'm done I'll read all of the fanfiction on GF. I know...it's sad.


When I played Grim Fandango I laughed, I cried, I loved. There's nothing like the classics.

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No worries, Klia. Rei Nokato is currently working on a new story which she has promised to post as soon as possible and I also have a new project. I'm sure more stories by different people will keep popping up.


Speaking about stories. I've considered writing a one-shot between Meche and Manny. The problem is, writer's block. Severe writer's block. But I'll get over that. For now, I'll just continue to write paragraphs and sentences for now to carry me through.

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Ooh, keep us informed. It's strange that there are relatively few fics about Manny and Meche. I'll put you in my author alerts so that I'll know if you get something posted. Writer's block is such a horrible state. I hope you get over it soon.


I truly am flattered that you would put me on your author alerts. I really am.


I was confused by that as well. Manny and Meche are the OTP yet you barely see anything based around those two. Hmm...I'm guessing that people want to explore other relationships that haven't been done yet.


Alright, to keep this thread from going more OT I'll leave you alone.

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