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Flying Beastie

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I don't mean this as spam (and even if I did, isn't everyone entitled to at least one?), but merely as a fan trying to save one of the few high-brow shows left on the air.


FreakyLinks is in danger of being canned (again) by Fox. Many fans are trying to convince them to sell it to the Sci-Fi Network, so if you watch the show, please, add your name to the petition.





"Do fish-people eat fish, or would that be like humans eating monkeys?"

"Humans do eat monkeys. In fact humans eat other humans. . . Y'know, as a species, we are really quite unpleasant."

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Guest Dj Skywalka

What the heck is homework???



Dj Skweejie


Never right obscenities on the back of the notebook of someone you can't trust

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Guest Hans The Great

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!! I say, "Cancel Away!"


That show is TERRIBLE: Predictable plots, terrible acting and I never thought the "jiggly-cam" method of directing was a good idea. I know Fox is scrambling to find a replacement for the X-Files but this ain't it.


The Sci-Fi channel should buy it; I mean they bought all that other crap like "Black Scorpion" and "Lexx". "Freakycrap" should be right at home there.

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Fox has a replacement for X-Files. The Lone Gunmen starts . . .<small>where is that Starlog? I had it yesterday</small>. . . in a few months. ( rolleyes.gif )


What I know is that Fox probably plans to replace it with some "reality" series, like Red Alert, Survivor, or Temptation Island.


I don't want reality, damnit, I want half-decent "Spec Fic" on TV!



"Do fish-people eat fish, or would that be like humans eating monkeys?"

"Humans do eat monkeys. In fact humans eat other humans. . . Y'know, as a species, we are really quite unpleasant."

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I used to, until fwooty YTV pulled it.


I've seen about half the first season, and can I just say that I love D'argo's transforming sword/rifle. biggrin.gif



"Do fish-people eat fish, or would that be like humans eating monkeys?"

"Humans do eat monkeys. In fact humans eat other humans. . . Y'know, as a species, we are really quite unpleasant."

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Boy howdy! Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica are the only things I've seen on that channel that I like...


More real space operas, less mutie bastards please!

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I don't even get Sci-Fi Channel ('cause I'm a Canadian and our cable sucks), but I know that if Sci-Fi Channel picks up FreakyLinks, I can count on one of the wannabe stations (The New RO, OnTV, or Space Network) doin' the simulcast thing.


I wish I got MST3K. I've only ever seen two (Santa Claus Conquers the Martians and . . . uh, I think it was This Island Earth --the MST3K "movie" on video), but I love the style of it.


One of these days, I'm gonna get a bunch of friends together and have a MST3K party.


Maybe Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz. . .


. . . And step, and slide, and step, and slide. . . one, two, three, one, two, three . . .




*mental image of Wing Zero waltzing with an Ares*



"Do fish-people eat fish, or would that be like humans eating monkeys?"

"Humans do eat monkeys. In fact humans eat other humans. . . Y'know, as a species, we are really quite unpleasant."

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Guest AceAzzameen

Originally posted by Darth Sceltor:

I don't watch it. I do watch Dark Angel however.


Hell yes!! Jessica Alba... Ace fades into a period of gibbering, drooling, slobbering, and making gesticulations...













... and finally snaps out of it.


Gyah! I love that show! eek.gif


And yeah, the Lone Gunmen is starting in March, they advertised it last night during X-Files. Looks to be lotsa fun.



"With the blast shield down, I can't even see. How am I supposed to fight?"


Rogue Leader 3


or manofstele@yahoo.com

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