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The Missing Content (Spoilers)


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This seems a far cry from your earlier commentary? Did you have a change of heart?


Say again? I don't remember making any remarks about the Factory other than it got cut because of time, which does suck, but the lack does not intrinsicly bother me, more the why.


No it wouldn't of. Certainly could have been handled differently, but IIRC that dialog is available fairly early on and it's removal may have necessitated major changes to HK-47's dialog file (it's a beasty too).


So we agree on time and bad planning, because thats still what it sounds like from here.


After enduring a seamingless endless stream of logical fallacy and misinformation, this comment is actually pretty funny.


I didn't say it wasn't funny, just that it's the lowest form of wit, which is different to humour. I assume your comment refers to out other recent discusssion. As you know KOTOR Tool no worky for me so I was basing my posts off what I read here, you should be more clear when you post information about the loot system so that peaople don't misunderstand.


Just so I'm clear: it's not what they did (change the robes), it's how they did it? Ok, I'll bite, how should they have done it?


I'm talking about game presentation in general, the Ravager and GO-TO just look lazy, the Ravager even has the ISD's engine layout, believe me I've shot them out enough times to know. It looks like a chop job, ISD hull with a cutout below the centreline and a Imobalizer Bridge.



So the changes to the upgrade system, the additon of lightsaber colors, the influence system, etc...these are all problems for you as well? Let me guess: that's different. Perhaps you mistakenly bought TSL thinking it was an expansion pack rather than a sequel created by another developer.


More lightsabre colours just means Revan couldn't find those crystals, its not like the new colours are common. Influence hardly contradicts KOTOR either, though it is totally new. The upgrade system is expanded, in KOTOR different items were effected in different ways, in TSL the difference is in the upgrades.


How to do the robes? Easy, have both, it gives you more variety, remains consistant and pleases everyone. The over robe worn by the Marakeshi seems a bit silly really, since it impeades physical activity. Also a lot of the special robes come from 40+ years before and as I said they didn't wear that sort of thing.


Not sure what you're referring to here. Don't mean to be dense, but you could take another stab at explaining your point here?


This is the sort of thing I was thinking of: Ulic Qel-droma http://www.jedidirectory.com/Ulic.jpg


Ulric and his brother.



That was what I was thinking of, as I said it reminds me of this. Ulic was the Revan of his generation.


Incidently this is master Thon, OE were lazy with research, clearly.



Another roughly contempory Jedi in something more "classic."



This is Ulic and Cay, Cay is the one with the green sabre.


Notice what Kay wears.


Snub at Bioware, eh? Again, does that mean the other aforemention changes were snubs as well? Considering that BW recommended OE for the development of the sequel, how does that position hold up? If they wanted to snub BW, they sure did pick an interesting way to do it.


Maybe snub is wrong but there seems to be concious attempt to be less like KOTOR and more like the movies, even though the Jedi in this era are closer to Tales of the Jedi than EPI.



Fair enough. Why did you buy it then?


Hope, and I wanted to find out what happened to Revan, I bought Jedi Outcast for the same reason.


*repeated* I suppose if that bothers you, then you have a valid point. *shrugs*


I just think that given its a series there should have been a greater attempt at continuity, the atmosphere of the game is, I feel, more like the movies than KOTOR.


Odd that no one at LA caught that. IIRC they would have had to approve the story before work began. Hmmm...


Games are Star Wars' bastard children. Have you seen the ISD in Battlefront II?


Jae Onasi, I think you hit the nail on the head there, if the game had left us all more satisfied we wouldn't feel cheated. Then we wouldn't pick holes in it. I especially didn't like how the "whole in the Force" issue was never resolved, was the Exile healed or not?


Carthaholic: Yes, absolutely.

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Another roughly contempory Jedi in something more "classic."



If I remember right:

1) that is not a Jedi in the picture, he has no force power.

2) he was a sith

3) he was a jedi

4) he IS Ulic.


THink he trains Vima, Naomi Sunrider's daughter. And some BH shows up and claimed him (he is worth loads of xp I guess)

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Its a bit simplistic to say he's not a Jedi, he was cut off from the Force but he trained Vima Sunrider afterwards. Yes he was a Sith and a Jedi, and yes that is also Ulic, something I ommitted due to posting late at night.


I don't see how it affects my arguement though, master Arca also wore "classic" robes, but he had KOTOR-like shoulder pads.

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Jedi could pretty much wear whatever they wanted to in TSL because besides the time when they got together on Dantooine towards the end they really didnt do much else in an official capacity because they were all in hiding so it doesnt really matter what they wore. No jedi council or jedi master is gonna get mad at what a jedi wears or doesnt wear when theres no jedi order to keep control of things.

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Bodysuits with capes?


They weren't skin tight, although I will admit they had a military aspect about them I really don't see the problem people have with them. The truth of the matter is that all the Jedi dress like a Tatooine hermit. If Obi-Wan had worn a spotless white suit they'd all wear that.

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Its a bit simplistic to say he's not a Jedi, he was cut off from the Force but he trained Vima Sunrider afterwards. Yes he was a Sith and a Jedi, and yes that is also Ulic, something I ommitted due to posting late at night.


I don't see how it affects my arguement though, master Arca also wore "classic" robes, but he had KOTOR-like shoulder pads.


Well, *that* picture doesn't ... but other pictures of Ulic/friends does...


It seems that when they are doing their missions they aren't always wearing Jedi grabs either.


Also, some Jedis from more exotic species does not wear Jedi grabs.


So I guess the whole robe thing is just *prefered outfit* and not a dress code.

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