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I found KOTOR 2 Music to download!


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I believe this is against the Forum rules. They won't let you post a link to free downloads. It violates copyright laws.

Yes, while true that forum rules prohibit members from posting in violation of copyright laws I'm not sure that this qualifies as a copyright violation since it is the music's composer, Mark Griskey, who is making the TSL music files available for download. He also has links to TSL music posted on his website. Perhaps he worked out something with LucasArts because it seems highly unlikely LA would allow him to post the music on his personal website if they had a problem with it. Don't really know though...



Well i didnt know where to post, so sorry if its the wrong thread.

Since this thread is about a TSL related topic it should have been posted in Telos Tourist Bureau instead of Republic Newsfeed. :) But perhaps one of our revered forum mods will move it for ya...


*poof*.. like magic :D Thanks for the heads up Hai Wan :thumbsup: ~ ChAiNz.2da

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I didn't bother with the .zip files. In my previous post I provided the link to Mark Griskey's website where he also posted music from TSL. I don't know if he has all the TSL music posted or not but he does have more than one title. On his website it's a simple right-click and save target as... since the files are in .mp3 format.

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Also, in the streammusic folder, if you change the extentions from .wav to .mp3, they work without Miles Sound Player. Basically they .mp3's that had their extension changed. So copy the files out of the streammusic folder and change their extensions and you got TSL music. The same applies to KOTOR music.

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This is so not violating copyright laws. Atleast not in the forums.


You can download the KotOR Tool and fiddle around with the music, but downloading it off the net is a no-no? I don't believe this true.


Anyways, the music itself. I'm not really interested, since TSL's music really wasn't as good or catchy as KotOR. The only ones I liked were "Kreia's Dark Theme" and "The Jedi". The rest of the music felt... weird. It felt totally un-Star Warsish.


On the other hand I liked KotOR's themes. I liked the Kashyyyk Battle Music, the entrance theme (Revan's Theme, I believe it is called), the music when the Hawk escapes Taris, Dantooine Plains, etc. It's a shame, though, that they didn't create an Imperial March-like theme for the Sith.

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You can download the KotOR Tool and fiddle around with the music, but downloading it off the net is a no-no? I don't believe this true.
The latter potentially involves the download/distribution of copywritten material, and would be illegal. The former involves twiddling with music that you have bought the license to use, since you bought the game.
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I didn't bother with the .zip files. In my previous post I provided the link to Mark Griskey's website where he also posted music from TSL. I don't know if he has all the TSL music posted or not but he does have more than one title. On his website it's a simple right-click and save target as... since the files are in .mp3 format.

No, that's far from all the TSL Music. Better than the crazy file extension used on the NWN site, though. Thanks!

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You can download the KotOR Tool and fiddle around with the music, but downloading it off the net is a no-no? I don't believe this true.


The KOTOR Tool does not access the music files. Those are in a separate folder that the tool does not read. I posted above your post I'm quoting about how to listen to the music files. It's best to use Winamp to listen to them if you do the simple change I mentioned.

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