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Guest Jabba The Hunt

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

its friday night i've looked through every decent post on here on replied - im waiting for friday night tv to start and milkshake isnt on msn messenger neither is coffeebean -ive even changed my sig.


Again a rather pointless post


yeah i know i keep quoting from the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy for my sigs but i just find it so funny



"Whats this fish doing in my ear?"

"Translating for you"


please consult the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy under bable fish for an explination

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

Hey admiral - you may be interest to know that if u jump off a roof and miss the ground u can fly



oh and i change my sig again - please let milkshake explain



How are you?

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Guest Rogue 9

I know your talking to the other R9, but i'll post my name anyway it is "rogue_leader32@hotmail.com"


--sorry I left out the underscore - biggrin.gif



[This message has been edited by Rogue 9 (edited February 23, 2001).]

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