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Light/Dark/Universal Holocrons

Darth Exilus

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Is it possible that someone could develop a mod that has Holocrons scattered throughout the KOTOR 2 galaxy, these Holocrons could give the Exile some amazing new force powers that are not available through level-up, training, or prestige classes. These would be totally new powers, Light Side Holocrons would give the Exile a new power based on the teachings of the Jedi Masters and the Higher Mysteries of the force. Dark Side Holocrons would give new powers based on the cruelty of the Dark Lords of the Sith. And Universal Holocrons would give powers not based on the light or dark side.


Some places to put these Holocrons would be:


Jedi Enclave on Dantooine


Jedi Academy on Telos


Sith Academy on Korriban


Trayus Academy on Malachor V


On the Remains of Jedi Masters/Sith Lords you kill throughout the plot


Freedon Nadd's Tomb on Dxun



If anyone would be willing to make a mod like this that would be great, you never really get the option of finding Holocrons in the plot, I think it would be a great idea because it would add to the replayability factor to the game and would give something else for the player to aim for.

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I am working on a mod like this ;)


I started the mod a while ago and had to set it aside for a little while but I am working on it again. I have four locations planned, including a new one.

This is from the Korriban Tomb:






part of other location:



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