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Christian fundamentalists hijack penguin movie

Dagobahn Eagle

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OK, so we've all heard of that French film about the penguins, right? What you might not have heard is that the Chrisitan fundamentalists are clutching it to their chests as a "monogamy/anti-divorce/anti-gay/Intelligent Design/Christian values" movie.


At first I thought "bah, each to their own". But the movie's creator is of course upset by this, as it overshadows a fact of the movie, and a real message:

The fact is that divorce rate in penguin famlies is 80-90%. Christian fundamentalists are good at "accidentally overlooking facts", and they've sure as H*** done it again.


And the message, which Christian fundamentalists and Neo-Conservatives alike "fail to notice", is that global warming is a severe threat to penguins in Penguin Land. Penguin kiddies get stuck on melting ice, penguin kiddies fall in, penguin kiddies drown as they haven't yet learned to swim.


Not to mention that the female penguin leaving the male alone for months isn't exactly how most "true Godly Christian value families" supposedly work:rolleyes:.


So now I'm also a bit upset by the "fundies", as they've yet again managed to blatantly ignore facts thrown right in their face.


And "support for Intelligent Design"? How on Earth does a movie about penguins support IT?!





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Well, apparently Global warming is now past the point of no return anyway... so why not concern ourselves with the messages that penguins can give us about how to live our lives in a truly christian manner?


After all, god didn't send down his only penguins to suffer and die upon the melting ice of human sins just so that we could...erm...what was i saying?....oh yeah!... its adam and steve not adam and eve damnitt!!


hang on..., thats not right?!?

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From the article Toms linked, "The world has already passed the point of no return for climate change, and civilisation as we know it is now unlikely to survive..."


Meh. Media hype. The only thing that can be said about climate change is that there is an overall trend of warming at this time. There simply doesn't exist enough data to say that this trend is going to continue, abate, reach a stasis, etc. There certainly isn't enough data to demonstrate that anthropogenic causes (man) are significant or if these trends are part of the natural cycle.


Species like the penguin will either adapt or go extinct, opening their niches up for new species to flourish and take advantage of the competitive release available for them.

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From the article Toms linked, "The world has already passed the point of no return for climate change, and civilisation as we know it is now unlikely to survive..."


Meh. Media hype. The only thing that can be said about climate change is that there is an overall trend of warming at this time.


Yes and no. We can actually say a good deal more. But on the whole, the media tend to report the best-case/worst-case scenarioes, which are almost certainly BS.


There simply doesn't exist enough data to say that this trend is going to continue, abate, reach a stasis, etc. There certainly isn't enough data to demonstrate that anthropogenic causes (man) are significant or if these trends are part of the natural cycle.


Depends. We're operating with extremely complex, quasi-chaotic systems here - a little like economics, except that we know the basic rules a lot better. It's a case of risk management. The cost of doing nothing might be 0 and it might be utterly catastrophic. And likely it will be somewhere in-between.


But while it is impossible to say exactly how severe the problem will be and how much we can affect it, it is certainly possible to draw up ballpark figures for probability distributions under different scenarioes. So you can compute the average cost of the average climate response some specific pollution pattern.


Then there are a lot of political decisions to make. Is there a maximum acceptable change? How big safety margins should we apply if there is? How much are we willing to pay to save a human life? Should the global community levy a tax on all countries to help places like Holland when a significant percentage of their land mass is blotted out as a result of our other political decisions - past and present?


Species like the penguin will either adapt or go extinct, opening their niches up for new species to flourish and take advantage of the competitive release available for them.


Yeah, but it takes a heckuvalong time. Has anyone here ever been to the Craters of the Moon National Park? And that is being populated by plants moving in from elsewhere.

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OK, so we've all heard of that French film about the penguins, right? What you might not have heard is that the Chrisitan fundamentalists are clutching it to their chests as a ...anti-gay..." movie.

I have heard this.


I also have heard about gay penguins.

So there you go. Make of it what you will...

Maybe it's just the influence of hedonistic NYC on a couple of young, innocent, impressionable penguins... or maybe homosexuality exists in every part of the animal world.

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Words from a Christian on the subject: Some people take things way too far out of context. Penguins showing these things about humans? Yeah, right. I'd sooner believe the Alliance (from Serenity) is that movie's picture of the Christian Church (something my dad complained about, but I think is going a little too far).


*Sigh* I guess this just means that people can put whatever wacky hidden meaning in something that they choose to... but it doesn't mean it's there.

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