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Kaelic's MEG Extractor


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I spent hours after getting the demo figuring out the MEG structure and then writing this extractor in C++ just to find someone beat me to it! Well I don't care, I'm releasing my hard work anyway :p Perhaps someone will prefer mine, I don't know.




Simply put it in the Empire At War GameData\Data directory, drag a MEG file onto the program and watch it work amazing wonders of gloriusly sloppy code, well atleast you don't have to see that part.

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I spent hours after getting the demo figuring out the MEG structure and then writing this extractor in C++ just to find someone beat me to it! Well I don't care, I'm releasing my hard work anyway :p Perhaps someone will prefer mine, I don't know.




Simply put it in the Empire At War GameData\Data directory, drag a MEG file onto the program and watch it work amazing wonders of gloriusly sloppy code, well atleast you don't have to see that part.


heh i rushed mine out because there was already a mod :)


seriously yours is probably a bunch better than mine as mines a total hack.


Dont suppost youve identified those 4 bytes i mention in the readme for mine?? or you could list the things youve tried so I dont duplicate any more work.


as i mentioned in the thread for my one its not any kind crc as far as i can tell I thought it might be the sum of all of the bytes in the file up to that point but the numbers dont look right for that


so im pretty much stumped


direct link to the readme with the bits of the file ive worked out so far


and i really wish id done mine in an object orientated language . . . proper object orientation would have been usefull



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