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Where can I obtain a copy?


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I first read a review for Grim Fandango in a magazine back in 1998. It piqued my interest but I didn't buy it (I was about 10 at the time, so I only bought the odd game). Anyways, ever since then, I've noticed this game mentioned time and time again in various places, but seeing as it's a good 7 years old, I haven't been able to find it in stores. Is it still available anywhere (legally)? Sounds like quite a game.

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Yoy! thanks for that. seems a hell of alot cheaper on ebay. now, why didn't I think to look on ebay before....


hmm, while I'm at the whole asking questions about the game, how many hours does it take to complete (roughly)? Just so I know when to buy it to have the best uninterrupted set of days/weeks, as opposed to playing for a week, having to stop for a month, and interrupting the story enough for me to forget what was going on. Happens far too much.

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You know, I can't actually remember at all how long it took me to complete it the first time around. I mean, it was back in 1998. :~


I did, however, manage to track down a couple of quotes for you:


it should take most a good two- to three-dozen hours

Grim Fandango will take the average gamer between 40 and 50 hours to play

As long as you don't be silly and use a walkthrough or something. :)


It is indeed a fantastic game, and you would definitely be missing out a lot to have not played it considering the immense love it's gained from, well, everyone. Truly a classic. And it even ages reasonably well too, what with all the prerendered 3D.

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