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Death Star Usable, Empire Playable

Master Nikolaos

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I downloaded Chriz' file about 2 hours ago, and I saw his mod allows the death star to be built. I also managed to make the Empire Playable by following the tutorial made by some one who broke the code today, I apoligize at not being able to remember your name mite, but at least I tried to give you credit :). The tutorial stated that in order to make the empire playable, you had to place the Empire's info in factions.xml on top of the rebel's. So I did so, and it didn't work. Then I went to the singleplayer campaign xml and edited the demo section to change all the rebel stuff to empire(not everything, just starting player etc). Just to make sure, I also placed the empire's starting unit info on top of the rebels'. Voila, it worked!


I've finally made the Empire Playable, I don't know to what extent the Rebel AI thinks now, but the thing is you can now play as the Empire. The Death Star is a nice tool for destroying planets, but because the only enemy planet at the begining of the game to destroy is Hoth, I wouldn't recomend building the Death Star, as it can't be used in space battles and can only make the game shorter by eliminating your rivals' only planet. I don't know how to post the files on a link, but for those of you who can and know, here it goes...oh, and I still need to figure out how to unlock Star Destroyers.


1.) Download Chriz' mod version 4

2.)Unpack into C:\ProgramFiles\LucasArts\Star Wars Empire at War Demo\GameData\Data(you may have installed the game in a different place, so just look for the installation file and get the files to GameData\Data)

3.)Go into the xml file created by Chriz and look for the entry factions.xml.

Look for the begining of the "faction Empire" section and copy/ paste the whole section all the way down to just before "Faction Pirates" To the begining of the the file(just make sure the empire faction info is on top of the rebels' and delete the old empire faction section as you should have two after copying).

3.5.) If you don't have an XML file editor, do a google search for an editor and you'll surely find one to download.

4.)Look for the campaignsingleplayer.xml file and in that file, look for demo campaign. Under that section, change the following to empire:


<Starting_Active_Player> Empire

<Starting_Credits> Empire, 90000 </Starting_Credits>

<Starting_Tech_Level> Empire, 5 </Starting_Tech_Level>

<Max_Tech_Level> Empire, 9 </Max_Tech_Level>


5.)Under Empire Starting forces, place the empire troop info above the Rebels'(do the same for home location). Then look for AI_player_control and change the empire one to "SandboxHuman" and the rebel one to "Basic Rebel".


Thats it, good luck and hope someone is able to give those of you who aren't that good with modding a mod patch.


Edit: These changes allow each faction to build its own units, so you won't be bulding Mon Calamari Cruisers as the Empire(which I think is better than fighting the rebels with...well, rebels).

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It isnt special to get the DS buildable, its jsut a matter of changing the tech level, as for the instructions above, you should note that teh highest Tech level ever in the game is 5, that only has the DS on it, so no use having teh 9 one, you can delete the whole entry.

As for playing as teh empire, adn before people think I copied him, I did not know about this post, but I have a mod here, with rebel AI and a buildable Venator etc.


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have installed the mod for playing empire and have a death star but surprisingly all planets are asteroids fiels during space battle and i can't see the death star in space whereas i have construct one !!


Can you help me ??? Have you the same problems ??


Do you mean you can't see the Death Star in space battles? If so, then yeah, you can't see it anyway (I'm not sure whether this is due to the Demo or it will be the same in the final version) ... In order to blow up a planet; win the space battle then drag the Death Star into the ground assault slot.

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Good job ChrOn1x, the planets mod is really nice, and the AI for the rebels at least builds ships now. BTW, if you are using ChrOn1x's mod, make sure to change the tech value to 5 in campaignsingleplayer.xml to be able to build all the available units for the empire in the mod(not all heroes are available to build, just the accuser destroyer and minor heroes such as commanders):


Starting_Tech_Level> Empire, 5 </Starting_Tech_Level>


Instead of


Starting_Tech_Level> Empire, 2 </Starting_Tech_Level>

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Download Bryants 1.5 mod , u will get half of the Planets + Empire have Captain Piett and his Star Destroyer , And The Rebels have the Home one with Admiral Ackbar..


Other hero's are .


: C3po and R2d2

: Darth vader ( Sometimes the game freezes)

: Grand Mof Tarkin ( Haven't used yet)

: General MaxiMilian Veers ( uses a Modified At-at)

: Boba fett

: Emperor ( Also freezes From time to time)

: Luke and Red Squadron fighters


One time i used the deathstar in a Spacebattle and i got a timer , when the timer was up . i could Lower the Handle and see a Huge explosion..

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