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Okay...I am amazed at the mods and want to thank you all for the hard work. I loved the demo "as was"...I thought it was great.


But with this mod, my jaw dropped. That is amazing. Truly amazing. I could not get over the quality of this game. Thank you for the opportunity to see the game I cannot wait to own next month.


For those who are confused how to use the mods, when you use winrar you should simply read the "readme" files included. :)


Thank you again!

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Ok i've tried playing it 3 times now, and each time i get nobbled in the asteroid level. Is anyone else finding this incredibally tough?


The lack of money is a serious issue, and the amount of ships they have on screen makes it extremely difficult to win. As soon as you jump in your being attacked.


I can take their fleet down by 60-75% but the lack of fighters makes it extremely tought to finish them off. Shame the ion cannon doesn't work. Would love to see it in action.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When starting threads of this kind, perhaps you could shrink down that giant image, since it throws off the horizontal borders of the thread, and since all it is is the main screen with "The Ultimate Mod" scrawled across it... it doesn't NEED to be that huge. Right? ;)

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