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New Planets?


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I agree. I want the rebels to be a bit more under the gun. I am a rebel, and want to feel like I'm going up against the might of the Empire. As it stands right now I can land in Kor Vella and kill that AT-ST that spawns a short distance from the starpot without even breaking a sweat... used to those things were hard to take down, now I can get my DE-10 pistol and use relentless onslaught and the thing is toast.


I can understand why they felt the need to tone down certain aspects of the game for newer gamers or whatever, but it does break immersion when you can solo an AT-ST that would be, technically, very difficult to take down.

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The more I think of it, the more I would like to see Bespin added. Have some nice quest in there, quest involving the Wing Guard - maybe a quest to help put an end to the corruption in the Wing Guard. I would also like to see the monthly story arc's return, an epic adventure surrounding Bespin. Things like that is what the community really needs right now, as it stands right now, the community feels very disjointed.

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What I mean is that Rebels dont really get any cool armor or any support of the public lol.


I have to disagree with this. Rebels have always been catered to by the devs. There was a part in the Cries of Alderaan story arc where you had to contact a person called Dr. Vacca, anyway, the rebels were under the gun - then the devs chime in with a server wide announcement that basically gave the rebels a heads up, so in the end the rebels eventually won that arc (speaking from my experience on Ahazi, don't know about other servers). Alot of imps weren't too happy about that, and I don't blame them honestly. The rebels have always had a strong public support in the game.


The armor issue has been addressed, pre-cu the rebels really didn't have any armor at all - now they have some really nice armor (I have assault which I think is great.) However I will say that the Empire tends to get the better PvPers, just from my obvservation anyway.

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I quit Galaxies a while back due to many reasons--not the least of which was lack of content on established worlds. They need to expand the breadth of the cities on Corellia for one:


-Add Treasure Ship Row to Coronet. It's perfect content for Smugglers, Traders, and Entertainers. You could literally have hundreds of "quests" running through and out of Treasure Ship Row.

-Add the Blue District to Coronet.

-Add the Gold District to Tyrena.

-Allow players to live in apartments in established cities.

-Add casinos, tapcafes, and marketplaces (again, "quest" potential out the wazoo).

-Add the resort metroplex south of Tyrena on the Gold Beaches. That's what it's there for.

-Put a limit on the number of eyesore...err player cities per planet.

-Add the CEC shipyards in orbit over Corellia (again, "quest" potential literally out the wazoo...so much that we're running out of wazoos).


And that's just Corellian updates.


It's just basic stuff like that that should've and could've been done years ago. The Devs are just too incompetent.

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Those are some good ideas, I like alot of those. Casino's are in the game now, but I rarely see anyone using the things. I agree with the player cities, I don't like how they are choking up the landscape and such. And since half of them seem to be ghost towns with empty vendors... I say get rid of them.

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Bespin also has casinos, and would be a good place for resources, they might be able to make a zone for pilots and such....would be cool to fly around Bespin, getting ahead of myself though. I really wish they would move the time forward in this game, make it more interesting - have the rebels go under the gun, have the imperials have the upper hand. Tougher crack down in cities, make it feel more like the movies in that respect. Coolest thing they implemented was those nova troopers in cities, but quickly got rid of them because they were insanely powerful... I thought it was great though.


They actually are going to be pushing the time forward. TH said we'd hear more about it soon so I hope it's in the Producer Letter.

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I would assume Hoth would be fairly easy to implement, since it's a barren wasteland of snow/glaciers/mountains. Wouldn't have to worry much about NPC's or cities. Shame scouting skills have gone away, this would be a great place for scouting skills (terrain negotiation, camp kits, etc.).

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Hopefully they'll just fix the professions they had and bring them back... I miss pistoleer alot, really enjoyed that class. Wish they would bring back the ability to mix professions too, feels kind of limiting to just be one class and not do anything else. That limits the re-playability to me, the reason I played the game since June '03 was because of the vast amount of professions, and combinations you could be. I am barely motivated to log on anymore.

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what about Manaan? thatd b cool i reckon with the whole sith and republic presence :p


wht do you mean, mannan had a sith/republic presence almost 5000 years ago (sw time) ,that is no more, plus the only reason they were there was because they were harvesting kolto. although the underwater buildings would be cool it doesnt bear any real significence on this era and may also inspire the cevs to create otoh gunga, enough said.

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