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Electric sheep joke

Guest Zoom Rabbit

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Yeah, well... Like they say in the old country: "There's nothing like flogging a dead horse". Or should that be "unplugged sheep"? I sure don't want to be the one the take an already silly thread into far uncharted territory. Maybe I should leave the sado-masochistic necro-bestiality subtext for another forum. What think you?

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Are you suggesting that the addition of electricity enhances the, uhm, domestic qualities of sheep? eek.gif


That's horrible! You ought to be ashamed of yourself! *Zap!*-self! *Zap!*-self!



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Guest Rogue 9

*Silently Wonders Why this Thread is Still Here*



Leader of 3 Flight

IAN_CDT_Rogue9, RA_Rogue9

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Materials needed: 1 Electric Sheep, 1 DS, 1 bucket of water.


Procedure attach DS to the Electric Sheep and throw water on the two, record results.


Data redface.gifnce water was thrown on to DS and the Electric sheep DS was electricuted.


Conclusion:repeat as many times as possible, for better experiments used larger sheeps.





"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

I'm trying to reproduce your results, but don't know what a 'DS' is. I ran the experiment once with Darth Sceltor on a hunch, and now I can't get him off the thing.*


Perhaps I will try a Death Sword next...




<font size=1>*Electromagnetism, you perverts.</font>

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