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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Nute, I now have four action figures myself, as part of my spaceship collection. The very biggest scale ships I have (A-wing, TIE/A and Anakin's podracer) have action figures for pilots.


For my TIE fighter, instead of Darth Vader (Whose black form sort of vanishes into the cockpit) I got a 'Xyber-9' character...some old samurai dood with two swords. He has one sword mounted on the wall of the cockpit with him.


The other sword I gave to my alien hive-warrior (same scale, too), who now eyes Anakin's podracer with malicious intent! eek.gif


See. wink.gif You aren't the only one who plays with toys...

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Guest rosencrantz

i have a sheep piñata that my friend made for me once when i couldn't sleep. i named it dolly for the clone heee.gif <font size=1>


[This message has been edited by rosencrantz (edited February 07, 2001).]

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I have (from right to left) Padme, Nute Gunray, Queen Amidala, and a Destroyer Droid atop my monitor. On shelf number 1, I have Emperor Palpatine, Imperial Royal Guard (I claim it's Kir Kanos), Qui-Gon Jinn with JEDI ROBES, Jek Porkins, Sandtrooper, Security Battle Droid, Mace Windu, and my last surviving Ninja Turtle, Leonardo in Samurai armor. On shelf two, OOM-9, Boba Fett, Darth Maul, Echo Base Trooper, Snowtrooper, custom Sandtrooper with black shoulder pauldron, Captain Tarpals, Probe Droid, and a Raptor. Behind the raptor is a 12" GI Joe (SNAKE EYES).

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Guest SadShadow

Im a Final Fantasy Jedi Master so you can ask me biggrin.gif




"Im becoming less human..."



The Lone Shadow Wing

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Originally posted by Nute Gunray:

(from right to left) Padme, Nute Gunray, Queen Amidala,


You're just feeding that fixation, aren't you? rolleyes.gif


I spend most of my cash on books, but I used to collect toys and still have a huge collection of unboxed, uncarded, significantly-less-than-mint stuff. I have a bad habit of kit-bashing my toys; when I got into Star Trek, I assimilated the SilverHawks. wink.gif


I'm now into models (as a writer, if I can visualize something in 3D, I can describe it cool.gif ), and a few of the cooler action figs (I'm currently looking for Deathscythe Hell, with the big bat-wings that fold over the torso like a Gargoyle's wings).


The only things I have now in my apartment are a lovingly-detailed model of the starship Voyager atop a bookshelf, a boxed model of Epyon awaiting customization (I can't build it here, since all my glue & paints are at mom's house) on a table, and a little plastic figurine of Brooklyn the Gargoyle (pre-TimeDancer) crouching atop my monitor.


Zoomie, you have the Akira fig from Zyber-9!?! Cool!



"Do fish-people eat fish, or would that be like humans eating monkeys?"

"Humans do eat monkeys. In fact humans eat other humans. . . Y'know, as a species, we are really quite unpleasant."

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

'Akira,' eh? I always call him 'Samurai Dood.' wink.gif It's appropriate for him fly a TIE fighter, right?


I'm not surprised that Nute has a droideka on top of his monitor. There is (of course) an A-wing on top of mine.


Final Fantasy...never played it. Let's talk Star Wars toys, instead. biggrin.gif

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I still need to find:

1 Droideka, 1 Imperial Royal Guard, 7 more sandtroopers (so i can repaint the pauldrons on them to make a full squad), Queen Amidala (Coruscant/Senate gown), Queen Amidala with Accension gun, Scout trooper, and the as of yet unreleased Queen Amidala in the Throne Room gown. In a few months, I'll be prowling around for the Amidala/Sabe Battle one.



See her lurking off to the right?



This pic puzzles me. There's a picture of sandtrooper with a GRAY pauldron, but I only remember orange, white, and black...


[This message has been edited by Nute Gunray (edited February 07, 2001).]

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I looooove FF8. My favorite is FF7, though. That was the first final fantasy game I ever played and I kicked butt!! I like Star Wars toys, but I don't have any to brag about. I have My Little Ponies, though. They were my favorite when I was little. I still have a couple. My favorite thing in the world is Hello Kitty.

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You people wouldn't believe HALF the stuff I own...like the FULL SET of the Star Wars Pepsi cans or almost all of the SW Hallmark ornaments or a button that barnes and noble gave it's employees of YODA telling us to read.

soon i will own:








those ARE dolls....i can get them both for a total of around $15.

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

'Hello Kitty?' Aw, that's so precious. wink.gif


Somebody get Amidala out of that box! She looks ill!


My Star Wars collection includes the 'Star Wars Sketchbook,' released mere months after the very first movie. As an authentic piece of Star Wars history, it's interesting (for example, there is an early sketch of a TIE bomber labeled a 'TIE boarding craft.') The cover is not in the best condition, but the pages are intact. It's probably worth money or something.


What am I bid, space frog? biggrin.gif

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