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Bryants Mod V2.0 -Hardest Reb + Imp AI out there!


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yea its sorta imposible play this with the lvl 5 station bug....i really would like to enjoy this mod, but its sorta imposible to have fun when its imposible to win space battles.


PLEASE HELP US, this is a great mod, but with this bug its not doing so great


Too many bugs in this mod.... thats bad:)

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More Bugs: Empire oriented, havent tested Rebs yet.

Magnepulse Weapon building causes crash when trying to invade. (I'd just disable it.)


Hypervelocity Gun Building has no model planetside (Changing the Ion Gun and this one to use the Turbolaser Tower works just fine, since they do nothing once on Land)


Imperial Academy has no model, also the Commanders it should produce are not unlocked.


Imp Research also has no model.


Imp Heavy Factory (not the AT-AT one) has no model.


There is a little anti-infantry turret north side of the base that always spawns on the Land map which is owned by whoever is attacking




Unlocking the Proper Turbolaser Tower is easy as adding Test_ to the begining of Template_Galactic_Turbolaser_Tower_Defenses and its 2 children's names/variants of. One tower populates all 3 planetside. This will remove the greyed out "Not buildable in demo" icon.


I haven't really looked into this yet, but I think the Tat Land maps we have to use may have a structure limit. So landing on one of those really large planets full of buildings might cause a crash.

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Copy the XML Folder that is in the RAR or Zip to your Star Wars Empire at War Demo\Gamedata\Data\ Folder


To Play as the Empire Copy the Files From ...Demo\Gamedata\Data\XML\Empire Full Tech\ and past them into the XML Folder.

To Play the Level 1 Empire Copy the Files From ...Demo\Gamedata\Data\XML\Empire Tech 1\ and past them into the XML Folder.

To Play as the Empire Copy the Files From ...Demo\Gamedata\Data\XML\Empire Full Tech\ and past them into the XML Folder.

To Play the Level 1 Empire Copy the Files From ...Demo\Gamedata\Data\XML\Empire Tech 1\ and past them into the XML Folder.


ok, are two of those supposed to be rebel? and also do you paste each individualy when you want to play them or can you paste them all at once?

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As they're the same files, I think you cannot use them all at once.


I think that Assault Frigates and Mon Cal cruisers require level 3+ stations to be built. Since you cannot build those stations in this mod, it also means that you cannot build assault frigates or Mon Cal cruisers even if you use R2D2 and C3P0 to unlock the techs for them. I believe the same would hold true for the Imperial side with ISD's, though I haven't tested it yet.

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As they're the same files, I think you cannot use them all at once.


I think that Assault Frigates and Mon Cal cruisers require level 3+ stations to be built. Since you cannot build those stations in this mod, it also means that you cannot build assault frigates or Mon Cal cruisers even if you use R2D2 and C3P0 to unlock the techs for them. I believe the same would hold true for the Imperial side with ISD's, though I haven't tested it yet.

They have to be built at the shipyard planets - Kuat, Fondor, Mon Calamari

and Sullest.

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hey this is way to hard, i get no fun out of it, i play on easy, but because you tweaked enemy ai, it still destroys me, its not that i can beat i just lose so much, and its not that fun....maybe do what ultimate mod guy did-eh!



Hey, this is way to hard hence I cannot have fun with it. I play it on easy but because you tweaked the enemy A.I. it still destroys me. I lose so much that it is no fun at all! Perhaps you should do what ultimate mod guy did-eh.


-------------So many commas :) I decided to lend a hand.

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Copy the XML Folder that is in the RAR or Zip to your Star Wars Empire at War Demo\Gamedata\Data\ Folder


To Play as the Empire Copy the Files From ...Demo\Gamedata\Data\XML\Empire Full Tech\ and past them into the XML Folder.

To Play the Level 1 Empire Copy the Files From ...Demo\Gamedata\Data\XML\Empire Tech 1\ and past them into the XML Folder.

To Play as the Empire Copy the Files From ...Demo\Gamedata\Data\XML\Empire Full Tech\ and past them into the XML Folder.

To Play the Level 1 Empire Copy the Files From ...Demo\Gamedata\Data\XML\Empire Tech 1\ and past them into the XML Folder.


ok, are two of those supposed to be rebel? and also do you paste each individualy when you want to play them or can you paste them all at once?



Woops, lol, sorry, I do alot of this stuff when Im tired.


Concerning the AI, I felt Easy was tooo easy so I just made Easy the defaul normal, they never attacked in easy. So basically, if Normal is to hard for you, dont buy EaW, come to think of it, why do you even play games? lol


Easy = Normal

Normal = Hard

Hard = Insane!

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hey this is way to hard, i get no fun out of it, i play on easy, but because you tweaked enemy ai, it still destroys me, its not that i can beat i just lose so much, and its not that fun....maybe do what ultimate mod guy did-eh!

this is y we needed a save feature.

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You can build the other ships instead of making a level whatever space station, just make the requirements in the XML within congfig.meg so they only require level "one" station, and change the planet from whatever it says (such as Kuat to "Hoth"). make sure you keep the total file length the same for a straight hex edit. Or unpack it using a tool.

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I think I've fixed up all the missing models and whatnot. Now I just have to see how long I can play without anything new popping up.


Oh I was right about planets slots, need to make sure in Planets.xml none go over 6 slots, otherwise you get those false victories where you lose your ground force.

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Excellent mod man! The demo was too much of a tease, this lets me really check things out. Much more challenging, was actually getting my fleet wiped out the 1st few tries. Damn MonCals kicked the crap out of my Victory SDs. With some planning and caution it was beatable. There was an occasional "invisible space station" bug which confused and aggravated me at first, but any more gameplay from the demo is a bonus.


There was an odd thing where large ion bolts were immobilizing my SDs every couple minutes. They seemed to come from above, as if god himself was smiting my fleet. Came to greatly fear the words "ion cannon firing"

Anyway, great job, looking forward to playing some more after work.



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It would be most likely the ion cannons firing,

I believe they diasable your ship's shield (used them myself in another mod)


Yes, they must be ion cannons, just suprised that they are taking out my SDs with 1 shot before I even see the enemy fleet, leaving them disabled and crackling with energy. The MonCal ions are not nearly so devastating as "God's" ion cannon that seemed to be striking from above.

Notcertain, but I think it only happened when the space station was invisible.

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I've noticed something weird, it is as if infantry is almost invincible, even with an atat you have to fire one single rebel inf squad for minutes to destroy them. I don't know about imperial infantry but they may have the same bug.

Great Mod though, rebel Ai sure IS tough. Though my fleet made up of 4 victories and 2 isds plus some tartans regularly hacks them to pieces, especially if tarkins sit's on one of the Ships.

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im making my own mod soon, where you start with lvl 1, dont get units and vehicles until you are high enough level, and heros are hidden (not hidden very hard.) im going to see if i can use the maps in the tute to work, for extra deversity, hope it works.


anyone have a list of units and vehicles that dont work?

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