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Nute Gunray

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Guest Rogue 9

your right, since the next war will probably be nuclear I guess we can kiss the small isolated island target goodbye frown.gif

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sees a big red button that has the words "DON NOT PUSH UNLESS NUCLEAR WAR BREAKS OURT" wondering what will happen, pushes the button. Nuclear missel lauchs and denotantes over Dukes house.



"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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A virus geneticly programmed to respond only to his DNA code before activating and causing symptoms such as massive combustion would still be better tongue.gif



Was I supposed to eat the heads too? 'Cause I took nooo prisioners!


Once again, evil is defeated through the use of decorative agricultural technology!


Official forum Psychic


[This message has been edited by Taarkin (edited March 05, 2001).]

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit:

Nuclear weapons: the theories and research behind nuclear weapons technology was underway long before the war gor rolling...


The Manhattan Project (ie Nuclear Bomb project that produced the fat man and little boy) started in 1941............the war started when?

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Originally posted by Gold leader:

Partially true. Economic growth and the inherent wealth prosper in peacetime, my friend.


if you are winning you prosper during war usually...we had a minor depression after WW2 cause the economy was high on war level production...it creates jobs...


i just noticed this and I dont know if anyone else hit this. Producing for war is what pulled germany out of depression before WW2......

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Potentially interesting note about pre-war Germany:

Just after WWI, a loaf of bread cost roughly 1 mark.

By 1922, a loaf of bread cost roughly six hundred <font size="900">BILLION</font> marks.



Was I supposed to eat the heads too? 'Cause I took nooo prisioners!


Once again, evil is defeated through the use of decorative agricultural technology!


Official forum Psychic

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

A note about the Manhattan Project: the initial contacts between the US government and Enrico Fermi for developing nuclear fission into a weapon took place in March of 1936, with Einstein becoming involved shortly thereafter. The project was put under the direction of the Office of Scientific Research and Development on Dec. 6, 1941...exactly one day before the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor that led to our official entry into the war.


Don't mess with me. tongue.gif I got search engines!

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Guest Rogue 9

I think war is a powerful motivator towards progress, if a Society does not progress it dies, the first tools we built were weapons and the most sopisticated tools we build will probably continue to be weapons for along time, if a Society does not feel secure it will not invent none essential items, we would not have invented many things because we'ed be to worried about that <S>Canadian</S> Invasion Force always on the Horizon

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

I just knew it.


Any idea how many spies you just exposed right here on this very forum? Things will never be the same...



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Guest Zoom Rabbit

I'm just posting this so there continues to be a box on the topics page which says Nute Gunray. smile.gif



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Originally posted by Zargon:

i just noticed this and I dont know if anyone else hit this. Producing for war is what pulled germany out of depression before WW2......[/b]


That's the logical effect when you Keynes's theory in mind. The nazi's could have produced chocolate bunnies instead of tanks and still have the same succes. They created their own demand, increased production and thereby the national income.

The only problem; chocolate bunnies don't do that much collateral damage. biggrin.gif



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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Nope. Mickey posts here.


Oreo is a fat grouchy cat who doesn't get along with Mickey, so she posts over at a different forum--RS.Net.


rolleyes.gif Cats...

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Guest Redwing

I have seen no Oreo at RS.net. Who is Oreo?



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Oreo hasn't been on the computer in a long time. She's more into sunny windowsills and raiding the garbage can these days.

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