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Bryant's & Grey_Ghost's Mod V2.0G


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Great mod, Grey_Ghost! I've finally been able to play a little longer without encountering untargetable bug.


Specifically, I can't destroy Home One (Ackbar's ship), because I can't target her engines. And basic idea is the same: once I destroy all other hardpoints, entire ship becomes untargetable.


Well, at least you got rid of untargetable space station bug... so it seems that this bug is tied directly to certain models.


Nevertheless, great job, and keep it up! :)

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i had a probelem with the prevoris version i was the empire trying to invade i think it was Byss i completed the land and space battles but i dident claim as mine so re redid the land battle again and again no change but u may of fixed it now so ill dl the new version and let u know

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In this new version, 2.1G I play as imperial tech 1 . the game seems to crash during galactic map when I didn't do anything other than wait for units to train. I just just making AT-ATs. I think its something the rebels are doing.

same here, this mod isn't very playable because i keep getting exception errors before i can really build up any forces to invade a planet.


here's my exception log, maybe it'll help.


Exception in thread 8DC - Main Thread
   The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
   Attempt to read from address 00000E50

Exception occurred at 005F38B2 - Unknown code pointer

Stack walk:
 00000000 : Unknown

Register dump:
 Eip:005F38B2	Esp:0022F36C	Ebp:00000000
 Eax:00000000	Ebx:0277DFA0	Ecx:00000040
 Edx:009BD2D8	Esi:00000000	Edi:00000000
 CS:001b  SS:0023  DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:003b  GS:0000

Bytes at CS:EIP (005F38B2): 85 8E 50 0E 00 00 5E 0F 95 C0 83 C4 1C C3 8B 91 68 11 00 00 53 33 DB 3B D3 56 75 25 8B 74 24 0C 53 C7 46 18 0F 00 00 00 89 5E 14 68 C3 B7 93 00 8B CE 88 5E 04 E8 24 E5 E0 FF 8B C6 5E 5B C2 08 


I didn't include the stack dump because it was a million lines.

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Yeah the cancel trick only works when initially invading. Maybe the game crashes when the Rebels and Pirates mix it up. I'll see what I can do.


About the V-Wings they are still in there, just used by Pirates on both Land and Space.


Has anyone made it long enough to attack the Pirates at MonCal or Kuat? If so, how did it go? Was it fun or annoying?

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Do not play Tech Level 1 settings. For one thing the Rebels can't steal tech from the Empire without taking out the Pirates first, and they need tech to do that. Also the majority of Tech levels isn't even set, which I'll have to put in. Pirate land forces will be removed from MonCal and Kuat, 1 of them will be added to a Kessel Land Mass. You will be able to fly from MonCal directly from Kuat and vice versa. Kessel is really just a bonus to whomever owns it(high credits).


After that I'll see how stable the game is. I've yet in my testing to get a random crash at galactics while not doing anything.

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Has anyone made it long enough to attack the Pirates at MonCal or Kuat? If so, how did it go? Was it fun or annoying?

I did. It was kinda hard but fun. I had to reinvade in space battles about 3 times cause they took out my y-wings and other ships like they were nothing. You need a heavy, multi-type unit fleet with a ton of reinforcements ready to take them out with the rebelsand that was on easy. The ground battles were a little easier, I didnt have to reinvade there. I just cant wait for the game to come out. One question, how many land maps are there besides tatooine, if any? :duel:

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I did. It was kinda hard but fun. I had to reinvade in space battles about 3 times cause they took out my y-wings and other ships like they were nothing. You need a heavy, multi-type unit fleet with a ton of reinforcements ready to take them out with the rebelsand that was on easy. The ground battles were a little easier, I didnt have to reinvade there. I just cant wait for the game to come out. One question, how many land maps are there besides tatooine, if any? :duel:

there will be alot more than just tatooine in the full game.

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Hi Ghost, and thank you for your work.


If you intend to enable more star systems, I like the linear layout you chose in version 2.1G.


Have you thought about a loop of systems? Rebel, Empire, and Pirate could each share a border. I think that would add a cool strategic element… Do I defend myself from the Empire, or do I grab land from the pirates…??

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Tatooine's map is the only one available. I've tried some of the Tutorial maps, but they had pre placed buildings and didn't seem to work well. I'd love more maps. Once the game starts selling it will be nice to forget all about the limited Demo.


I was afraid it wouldn't be enough systems, and I was right. I plan to bump it up to 12 systems (2Asteroids, 10planets). Configured in a big circle allowing you and the AI to attack from 2 different sides.


I may have to remove the Pirates if they are whats causing the random crashing, but I haven't experienced it yet. I'll probably add the choice to play with or without pirates.

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rebel infiltrater unit, cant see it, cant kill it, had to retreat from some battles, can you remove it?


I've had the same problem too (v2.0) Almost seems like the unit is actually beneath the terrain. All my units can see it (well detect it morelike) and shoot in it's direction but hit nothing but the floor. I've even managed to follow the health bar around for a limited time while it gets fired on, and it takes no damage whatsoever.

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In any case im amazed at what you guys managed to pull off in such a short time with so little resources or reference (to the game itself). Granted much of the content was already in the demo waiting to be discovered, and according to the devs we just "barely scratched the surface" compared to the full game?!


Couple stupid questions that prolly have already been asked.


Not that it would be usefull when the full game arrives, but is it possible to create new maps for the demo? Mainly so that we get something other than repeat tattoines every ground battle. Very tedious, and the tornados irritate me to no end. "Whatever you do troopers just STAND there, and LET the tornado kill you" lol. I would move em when i see it comming, but sometimes your view is in one part of the map, and you have an army camping waiting to attack at another spot. There should be an audio warning that a tornado is comming. Like a stormtrooper screaming "Tornado! take cover!" Stormtroopers are stupid.. but not THAT stupid :p


Do we know anything about the model format yet, and what tools we will need to create, and import new models? Reason being is i am contemplating going back into modding (look at my sig), and yes it would be a Star Trek mod, but only Star Trek. I have all the ships i need, but no ground forces. I cant character model if my life depended on it. So i may need help in that area.

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New version 2.2G found HERE! I started a new thread cause that what all the Cool Mods do.


they shouldn't be buildable on Mon calamari! only on sullust, fondor and Kuat

Those poor oppressed Fish Heads!

I've had the same problem too (v2.0)

The Infiltrator was not supposed to be in 2.0G, my bad. Works fine in newest version.

Couple stupid questions that prolly have already been asked.

I know of no way to make new demo maps. If someone could find a way, I'd add it in pronto. I don't think anyone has figured out the model format yet. I think the general concensus is that the Final Game will be highly Mod friendly. Star Trek mod eh...I can't wait to play it!


Yeah those tornadoes really bug me. I really wish my units made some kind of attempt to avoid them.

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