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American Tea

Guest Jabba The Hunt

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

right i went to floida over a year ago and the pool guy came round because our pool was very cold (i have to say for the rest of the holiday though it was at bath temp) anyway he fixes pool and has to wait to refil it while he is waiting my mum offers him a cup of tea and he says "no sor... wait is it british tea" my mum says yes and he agrees - the story was that he had always been told how bad american tea was but had never tried anything else and thought it was pretty good when a few years ago however he tried british tea he tasted what people meant - we were told the same that y we brought british tea with us. Anyway i would like the americans on this forum to tell us brits what they think and if you think american tea rocks then go find some british tea!!!!



"The warp cores gone the shield generators have been destoryed beyond repair and the phaser arrays are blown we will never be able to repair all this damage without a starbase"


"Dont worry just wait till the next episode and it will all be sorted out"


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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Earl Grey tea is pretty good, and there was a blend called 'Market Spice' I drank when I lived in the Seattle area.


Otherwise, it all pretty much tastes like lukewarm tap water with leaves soaked in it... rolleyes.gif

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Guest Thrawn

British chocolate sucks. Give me a Hershey bar any day!



"Noobies Suck"


Rogue 6

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

hey i know milkshake will back me up on this one but american chocolate is terrible. Now all the people that said american tea rocks i want your address and im going to send some real tea to it -


dark shadow in coner - "do you think they will tell you"


"yes im sure they will and when they do it will be too late! Wha ha ha ha!"



"The warp cores gone the shield generators have been destoryed beyond repair and the phaser arrays are blown we will never be able to repair all this damage without a starbase"


"Dont worry just wait till the next episode and it will all be sorted out"


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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Well, your tea is so great, huh?!? *(Pushes Jabba off the deck of a ship in Boston Harbor, then steals the tea with a band of drunken indians.)* We'll be the judge of that!


Now, that's bound to start something... biggrin.gif



'I can fly. I'm a pilot.'


--Drunk dude in Independence Day

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British Chocolate is not really British chocolate (it is swiss). Niether is Curry (that is Inidian), British are re-knowned of picking up other countires habits and re-placing them with thier own, and then saying it was theirs all along


Why do you think they had all these sattilite countries? India, Australia, Middles east, Africa, some european. It was becasue Native British food SUCKS!

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Britain sucks. America Rules. One we have not had a single violent change of power Britain........has not. America we have no mad cow disease Britain.....has (your beef Sucks). We have repeatedly kicked Britains but in American Revolution, war of 1812. American food is regulated it doesn't seem like yours is (I don't know if that is true just seems like it.) Second we have good weather and don't need to invade other countries with a poor excuse of the "white man's burden" to have. Lets see the United States is the only remaining Super Power. Also we don't have to support a usless King, Queen..... So BRITAIN'S FOOD SUCKS and ALL OF BRITIAN SUCKS



"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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British tea is so good but I know better:

African Tea = excellent.

It's so good and I just had some 5 hours ago I take it with some senegalese friends (I'm the only non adult one) outside in front of my house. Anybody ever tasted it?

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Actually, I do have an authentic recipe for chai masala tea that I learned from Punjabi Indians...it is so good, I don't consider it tea but rather a flavored spice brew.


I doubt if I'll post it. rolleyes.gif It's a hard-won professional secret that I worked in a non-English speaking kitchen for a month to learn.



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Guest Zoom Rabbit

'Curry' is not a spice, but actually a blend of spices. In India proper, there is no one curry blend used, although 'garam masala' has most of the ingredients (including turmeric, for the yellow color) for what we think of as curry. Their idea of a finished curry is usually quite hot and heavy on the chili powder. Curried dishes are found in India and through Southeast Asia into the Pacfic rim, having pretty much followed the course of southern Buddhism (by coincidence) through history.


I love to talk food. smile.gif

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