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American Tea

Guest Jabba The Hunt

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Guest Thrawn

Notice how they aren't arguing over the historical details we've presented biggrin.gif


what's that? Who saved you in WW II?



"Noobies Suck"


Rogue 6

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Who said I eat food? I just toss it around, burn the pan, put it on a hot plate and throw three or four half-ass dirty ones at the dishwasher while yelling at the waitress to come get her f***ing food out of my window befre I push it over the edge into the salad line. After all that, who wants to eat the stuff?



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Guest Fondas

You all have to admit that there a strange thing about Englishmen and tea, although you're right , tea came from China.


English or American chocolate ?????!!!!!


EVERYBODY knows that there is only one country that produces the best chocolate and that's Switzerland, with Austria coming close behind.





"No matter how pretty the bait,

a hook is still a hook !"


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Guest Fondas

Oh and I'm dead serious about this :


I don't know what you've been taught but WWII was NOT won by the Americans. Do me a favor and read some History, ok ?


US's help was invaluable but it's really offending to read every once in a while that they "saved our ass". Are you aware how much disrespectful is that statement towards the european people that died in combat, trying to drive the Nazi's off ?




"No matter how pretty the bait,

a hook is still a hook !"


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Guest Redwing

Fondas is right; the US was a major factor in winning WWII, but so were Britian, France, and many others. (especially Britian, as most others were eventually taken)



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

I prefer to think of it this way...a lot of us good guys stood up to the bad guys and we all paid the price for freedom. Whether we come from the United States, Greece, or Outer Xanadu shouldn't matter... wink.gif


It is worth noting, however, that the war wasn't conducted in our (America's) backyards. While my grandfather may have put his life on the line to go over and fight...he had a peaceful, unbombed home to which he could count on returning after it was all over. Some paid a higher sacrifice, and that is worth noting.


It's the twenty-first century now, and the internet is revolutionizing our world by flooding open the gates of culture. National boundaries are becoming less relevant as people interact and conduct commerce across them; our world is not growing smaller, but we are finally growing into it.


*Sigh* I just wonder when all this will seep into our nationalistic little heads... wink.gif



'I can fly. I'm a pilot.'


--Drunk dude in Independence Day

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I fully realize what happened in WWII we are just having fun. Also I don't want to get in a debate on the sacrifices made by the eropeans because the americans made just as many.



"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

No you guys just came in at half time when you had something to lose from not entering!!! (my history teacher to me never to say this to an american that i could see(hip hip horray for the internet)!!!



"The warp cores gone the shield generators have been destoryed beyond repair and the phaser arrays are blown we will never be able to repair all this damage without a starbase"


"Dont worry just wait till the next episode and it will all be sorted out"


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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Well, who was sending you guys the convoys full of supplies that kept you from going all the way under before then, eh? wink.gif


Oh, great...here we go. rolleyes.gif Why can't we have US versus Russia or US versus Mexico debates on this forum?

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anyone else find it extremely interesting that we are the only country on the planet, where if you ask someone what nationality they are, they will tell you german or austrian or whatever combination of various european ancestors they have..take me for instance, i am predominantly scottish with some irish and english thrown in. and everyone is always crusading for more rights and more government funding for their particular ethnic group because they don't want to be just american...but as soon as someone starts attacking our country we're all "americans" all of a sudden...gets on my nerves just a touch that we're all only americans when it suits us. every other country is suitably proud of where they're fromn all the time...



If you live to be a hundred, i hope i live to be a hundred minus one so i never have to live without you!



Official Forum Chick

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I'm a Canadian who was born in Brazil and currently living in Senegal, Africa. Travelling every 3 years to live in a diffferent country a travel again after 3 years etc etc. I am a Nomad....


[This message has been edited by Jem (edited March 15, 2001).]

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Guest Rogue 9

I meant no Disrepect to our European Allies, What I meant is that had we not entered when we did it might have been to late for the Allies to win, It was the Americans who brought Convoy tactics to WWI and the Anti-Submarine Destroyer to WWII both of these were critical to the resupply efort without which there was no way the Allies would have won.

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Alright Jabba you know your wrong and you are pissing me off with comments just meant to get people angry. Now on the WWII, our country was bombed twice at Pearl Harbor, and the Japanese sent bombs attached to ballons into the jet stream. Those bombs did reach the US and some did go off.


On to the invovlement of the US into the war, and why some americans say we saved Britain. The battle of Britain was own by the RAF, however it didn't make Britain safe by anymeans. In all likelyhood Britain would have been invaded if Hitler didn't make the dumb mistake an ordered German forces to create a second front by attacking Russia and breaking the nonagreesion pac they had. This took off pressure from Britain and saved them from an invasion. Then on December 7th 1941 the US enters the war and fights on two fronts.


The battle of the Atlantic, german U-boats were stricking cargo ships bound to Britain from the US with almost invunerablity. In the end with the development of Sonar and just better protection of Convoys the battle was own. Now we come to D-Day, To be correct I should say the invasion of Normandy. This will take place on five beach heads Omaha, Star, Juno, Utah, and another one that escapes my memory. The US forces took Omaha and Utah two of the most heavily defended beach heads and US forces took heavy causalties (this is in reference to all the others that died on that day). From that point another goof up by the germans allowed the allies to gain a foothold along the France beach line and push in land. After that comes the Battle for of the Argon Forest and Battle of the Buldge which was the last German offensive. IN the Russian front the Germans were stopped at Stalingrad because of the harsh winter, and they were also pushed back.


The air war, the German Luffwaffe was basically superior to the allies at the time and because of more blunders the battle of Britain was lost. Allies didn't win air superiority really until american factories started to produce and ship the famous P-51 mustang, P-31 lightning. This was when air supremacy was won.


On the Pacific theater the US was the main force fighting there. The war was turned at the battle of Midway were US carries destroyed 4 Japanese Characters. With the use of an Island hopping campaing the Japanese were pushed back to their main land were two Atomic Bombs wer dropped saving millions of lives in the process.


In the end over 40 million people died in that one war, they were not just Jews, or Brits, or French, but they were Americans, Poles, Russians. All fought bravely for the respective countries even if they were the enemies. In the end the war would not have been won with out the americans involvement, the determination of the British people and the bravery of all the fighting men that died in the service of freedom.



"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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I know that was a very brief summary of the War I left out some battles like when the Brits bested the Dessert fox, but I didn't want to go in to extreme detail.



"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

Originally posted by Andromeda:

anyone else find it extremely interesting that we are the only country on the planet, where if you ask someone what nationality they are, they will tell you german or austrian or whatever combination of various european ancestors they have..take me for instance, i am predominantly scottish with some irish and english thrown in. and everyone is always crusading for more rights and more government funding for their particular ethnic group because they don't want to be just american...but as soon as someone starts attacking our country we're all "americans" all of a sudden...gets on my nerves just a touch that we're all only americans when it suits us. every other country is suitably proud of where they're fromn all the time...



yeah i have to agree


oh and admiral i didnt mean to offend anyone im just having a laugh this post needs to get back into the mood of witty insults back and forth across the alantic (sp)



"The warp cores gone the shield generators have been destoryed beyond repair and the phaser arrays are blown we will never be able to repair all this damage without a starbase"


"Dont worry just wait till the next episode and it will all be sorted out"


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Guest Fondas

Ok, let me give you the background of Hitler's nemesis, ie the so called "Operation Barbarossa"


The aformentioned operation was the intent of Germans to make a rapid strike to the Eastern Russian Front with massive firepower and advanced tactics.


Why did it fail ? TIMING ! the Germans invaded too late and the fierce russian winter caught on them. That was not due to bad planning but to the change of scenery at the Balkans Area


The operation demanded all of the Panzer Divisions to be present but unfortunatelly for Hitler, Greece and Yugoslavia spoiled his plans.



On October the 28th, 1940 Italy invaded Greece. They expected this to be a walk in the park but on the contrarery, We managed to push them back and literally threw them back to the sea, while RAF was providing air support.


This course of events worried Hitler, 'cause his main oil supply, the Ploetsi oil fields in Rumania, was too close and at stake ! So he was forced to invade both Greece and Yugoslavia on April 6th, 1941.


The defenders, exhausted by their previous fight were easily defeated by the superior German War machine. Yugoslavia capitulated on the 17th of april and Greece on the 23rd.


This was the first delay. Greek and ogoslavian resistance kept on fighting on the mountains, disrupting supply lines, thus forcing the Wehrmacht to keep a large number of troops and panzers in the area. This fact delayed the Barbarossa just enough for the Russians to gain the advantage, through the harsh but familiar to them Siberian winter.


The Invasion to Normandy was a victory of Allied Intelligence. Hitler was mislead to believe that the Allies would invade somewhere along the French coastlines, so he diverted troops there. Along with fact that the Easter front was still holding strong, allies got the opening they had been waiting !



"No matter how pretty the bait,

a hook is still a hook !"


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We brits built some of America. Sure, our ancestors made some mistakes, but that was them, NOT US! We brits aren't all like the US media potrays us. I haven't had fish and chips in a long time. I like eating internation. I love sushi. Curry is good. Pizza is a universal constant, whether American or Italian style.

And as for the war, America was a help. We were on our own, with most of our allies occupied. You came in when you needed too, I don't blame you. The nazis did nothing to you (until they declared war). You were smart to avoid war. War is wrong.

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