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I beat the game.


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I beat the Game with aleast 40 hours of Gameplay, and for the most part I loved this game, in some areas its better than the first, in others its not as good as the first, however TSL has a interesting ending yet kind of dissapointing but I still like it. Overall since I played this game with no sound and this game probally would have a 10 if I had sound, I loved the storyline to this, the combat was buggy yet still good. I give this game a 9.5.



However I was dissapointed that I couldn't go back to Narr Shadda and talk to Carth/Bastila. Is there anyway to do this?

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Heres the thing, the only way I could even launch the game at the beginning was to disable sound, however, when I unclicked disable sound, I couldn't access the game at all, so I just decided to play the game without sound.



I even updated the patch for this game. Thing is, I played the first game with hardly any problems, hardware wise, and with sound, so if anyone could figure this out, then plz do so.


I was just greatful I got to play the game finally.

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Heres the thing, the only way I could even launch the game at the beginning was to disable sound, however, when I unclicked disable sound, I couldn't access the game at all, so I just decided to play the game without sound.



I even updated the patch for this game. Thing is, I played the first game with hardly any problems, hardware wise, and with sound, so if anyone could figure this out, then plz do so.


I was just greatful I got to play the game finally.


man, unlucky about the no sound thing, at least the game has subtitles but still you can't hear the screams of your enemies. at least you can play it and that's the main thing

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Anyone else go Jedi Consular? I can't believe how incredibly easy fighting was with this class, I'm glad I decided to go with it. I'm usually more of a Sentinel/Guardian person, but literally the only boss that ever resisted my force powers was Traya. Nihilus was a JOKE. It also made going through the Traya Academy INCREDIBLY easy, if I had not had high wisdom I would've been cursing.. it's ridiculous how many sith you have to go through. BTW, I played on Normal not easy, so I was expecting it to be pretty difficult.


Also, it's really nice being able to persuade people and not fail once the entire game ;) Not used to that.


Overall nothing beats KOTOR1 to me because I liked the idea of being Revan and being able to decide where to go from there... and all the praise.. lol.

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How did you get past the massive beast at Malachor? I stopped there and got KoTOR I, and got the Cross of Glory today.



Well I wouldn't recommend fighting him head on inless hes almost dead with no life left, even then I dont recommend fighting him without shields, and Stims.


What I do recommend is, some Force Powers if you have any perferably, Lightsaber throw, Lighting. Just use these alot until hes down to less than half health, then just try your best to stay alive and contront him head on, Only after you do the Force Power Tactics first.



Even then take caution and use alot of Life Support Packs.


I was at level 28 Jedi Guardian with all my weapon skills mastered or almost mastered, and I still took alot of damage. about 7 hits would have killed me, fortunately I didn't give the Beast a chance.

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Well I wouldn't recommend fighting him head on inless hes almost dead with no life left, even then I dont recommend fighting him without shields, and Stims.


What I do recommend is, some Force Powers if you have any perferably, Lightsaber throw, Lighting. Just use these alot until hes down to less than half health, then just try your best to stay alive and contront him head on, Only after you do the Force Power Tactics first.



Even then take caution and use alot of Life Support Packs.


I was at level 28 Jedi Guardian with all my weapon skills mastered or almost mastered, and I still took alot of damage. about 7 hits would have killed me, fortunately I didn't give the Beast a chance.



I found that thing easy to beat with a little thing called hack and slash

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