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English and my Class.

Admiral Odin

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Well I have a news update on my intellegctually disinclined class. Most of them have failed the didn't do good in the English midterm, some have recieved a 48 in a class they have been in twice so far, and probably going to be in it 3 times. Ros. you know what I mean when I say these people in my class are brianless. However, this has suddenly become a windfall for me. My english teacher seeing that she needs to help these poor souls is devouting time to it, but I don't need help, and she knows it. SO she told me I can work on anything I want during class as she helps them. Furthermore she offered that I don't even show up for class for the remainder of her helping them. This is so sweet for me biggrin.gif. and I starting to like being a Junior in HS.




"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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Guest rosencrantz

sweet deal smile.gif

i had a class that i named "Pooling of Ignorance 100" where all of the 1st year students wanted to argue with the prof during a class that required no arguing. i hated gym wink.gif

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Doesn't your school offer AP or Honors classes, so people who want to learn can learn w/o the morons? I'm in Honors classes, and it's easier for me to mow through stuff.


EXCEPT in my Adv. Algebra class, where the teacher can't really teach, because she's disciplining the "Remedial" (AKA They failed, hard) kids, and the 4 of us that want to learn, can't, because she can't fully explain it.

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ya, I'm in advanced math, I sleep through that so I might be able to help you if you have problems.


AP courses are only offered to Seniors I'm a Junior so.....I can't move out of the class.



"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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I'm taking IB classes next year

I'm in honors now, so I figure it's the next logical step



"Noobies Suck"


Rogue 6

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The International Baccalaureate Program. It's basically college sredit courses. A lot of essays and such. www.ibo.org



"Noobies Suck"


Rogue 6

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I've said before that I'm in the English B.A. with Honours program. This semester however, I am passing as a philosophy student.


In my first year I have to take at least 4 ENG courses and 4 PSI courses. Through serendipity, three of my English classes were last semester, and my Philosophy classes are all this semester.


I'm doing the same thing in four classes, and trying to keep straight what answers belong to which teacher ('cause it's not "right or wrong," it's "what they want to hear" rolleyes.gif )


Fortunately, there's a <FONT COLOR = "red">babe</FONT> in my remaining English class, so it becomes worth-while. cool.gif



"Do fish-people eat fish, or would that be like humans eating monkeys?"

"Humans do eat monkeys. In fact humans eat other humans. . . Y'know, as a species, we are really quite unpleasant."

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Originally posted by Flying Beastie:

Fortunately, there's a <FONT COLOR = "red">babe</FONT> in my remaining English class, so it becomes worth-while. cool.gif



Yes, a similar thing keeps me alert and awake in MY english class. Also, she is directly in between me and the prof so I don't OBVIOUSLY stare at her.

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Hell, I drive 80 in our 50 zones... And my avg. highway speed is 150... The needle pegs at 160 on my van... and she'll only do that if there's a tailwind and it's flat or downhill... I'm a pretty fast driver.



Hello, my name is Nitro, and I'm calling from BBM Bureau of Measurement, the radio ratings company...

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Originally posted by Nitro:

Hell, I drive 80 in our 50 zones... And my avg. highway speed is 150... The needle pegs at 160 on my van... and she'll only do that if there's a tailwind and it's flat or downhill... I'm a pretty fast driver.



I think the reason the rest of the world uses the metric system is to SOUND like they drive fast.




The virtues of Pokemon are lost in a sea of animal warfare and Nurse Joy's miniskirt.

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