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Bryant's & Grey_Ghost's Mod V2.6G


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16 hours for me :D(not in one day but seperatley)with out a crash

This mod is by far the best one. I really like that u guys dont add other things in there*cough SSD* thats just crazy.Keep it original and that what u guy have done.So i tip my hat towards u guys


But one thing i have notice when playing empire is that the rebels would make tons of bomber,about 15+to be exact,and they would have lots of vehicles too(forgot their names).



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PRJ_Master: Ryebread is probably right on the money. I don't remember experiencing this myself, but I damn near build a Shutter Shield on every planet. 8P


I'm looking forward to playing more diverse fields! Oh, Tornadoed Sand Fest that is Tatooine, how I loathe thee.


Crashless play: Awesome, that's what I've worked so hard on this Mod for.


A.I.: I didn't tweak the default values, but they do build a wider range when playing at Tech 1 (as they climb the Tech ladder). Full Tech just goes after the extreme "Why build an AT-ST when you can build an AT-AT?". That's why I play Tech 1 games, for some variety.

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If you read carefully on the snow speeder's tow cable attack. it says it will trip a -=Moving=- AT-AT. That means that if your AT-AT is not moving the tow cable will not harm it.


I tested this and its true. I tow cabled an non moving AT-AT over and over but he never fell down until I did the tow cable on an AT-AT walking to somewhere.

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that makes sense because the tow cable acts to stop movement, because if there is no movement it will just drop the ground and not work. We did not see any non-moving At-Ats in ESB fall because they were not moving, during the battle of hoth they were all moving At-Ats, You can watch the movie again if you want to make sure.

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huh....I thought in your older version (big galaxy), every planet was connected to another by a trade route, and that all of the systems were connected through it somehow....


but I may be wrong. I'll load up an earlier version of your mod after I get back from uni.


for now, here arethe systems without trade routes in this version of the mod:


Nal Hutta, Bothawui, Mon Cal, Sullust, Bestine, Abragadoe Rae, and Fondor




just a question to all of you, after finally playing until I won the game....what's your favorite ground unit for both rebs and imperials?


Rebs: Personally, I LOVE the T-4Bs. They're not repulsors, so they can move around and destroy the Repulsor Jammer to let the T-2Bs mop up the troops, and, plus, if there's a shield on the planet, you just have to switch to Rockets, and you can pound the enemy through the shield (plus they're great anti-infantry. Just roll 'em over the stormies and watch 'em fall). it would be interesting when the game coems out to do a skirmish, and have a T-4b/AT-AT battle and see who would win. Not a single T-4B, of course, as it would obviously lose. but a squad of three....I'm thinking it'd be pretty close. 'course, en masse, they're nigh unstoppable. you'll lose a bunch, but they can just keep rolling towards you without even blinking.


As I haven't played through the game/demo as imp yet, I can't say which one of theirs is my favorite.

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I defeated the pirate base at Kessel after some experiments without losing a single ship.


The strategy is this. Bring 7 marauder cruisers , 2 corvettes, 2 gunships and home 1.

Have youe entire fleet go to the top left corner of the map and position home1 to be the front line of defense. its job is to take out any capital ships, and the corvettes and gunships are to take out fighters. esp Y wings. Now just sit back and shoot those long range missiles at the asteroid base. The special ability does the most damage.


Another thing is how awful it is when you get stuck with a gigantic fleet of 161 medium transports against a space station and an ISD and a victory and a interdictor. That many ships has quite a lot of firepower actually, but it is unplayable due to the lag. With those 161 transports, I took out the space station, the interdictor and the victory star destroyer. I could have killed the ISD but I had to turn off the computer. I still had over 100 transports left when I was trying to kill the ISD.


I should mention that I had an ion cannon on the planet to drop the ship's shields first.

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(NOTE: Everything I'm saying is for full tech rebel full universe)


Okay, I just played a game over 24 hours (I left the computer on), and even though the AI may be hard on easy, it's so much fun just to have a difficult opponent who thinks logically. I put a seige in Kashyyyk, and they sent in 3+ star destroyers, tons of fighters, Interdictors, everything that would (and did) work to destroy my army. My game never crashed in that time, but it did start to freeze. But only on the Galactic map.

And I have a question. I landed some T-2B tanks onto a planet, and they just sat in a tight circle. The group that had landed first was also just sitting there, under fire or not. None of them moved. Everything else was fine, and they were fine on a different battle, but not that one. Anyone else gotten this?

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I landed some T-2B tanks onto a planet, and they just sat in a tight circle. The group that had landed first was also just sitting there, under fire or not. None of them moved. Everything else was fine, and they were fine on a different battle, but not that one. Anyone else gotten this?


I've seen similar glitches from time to time. I've played MANY hours and only encountered the problem three times, so it's rare. It wasn't repulsor jammers because I've only had problems with infantry and rocket troops. The only pattern I noticed was that they were all deployed near the edge of the reinforcement point radius.


I wouldn't expect to see this problem with the full version.

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Okay, I have a weeeee bit of a problem with this mod (started with 2.5G and has stayed in this version too).





Anyone that can guess what the problem is gets a cookie :p.

Note, this only happens when I have the mod installed. No mod works fine and the old Bryant's 2.0 mod works fine too. It's just been doing this with 2.5 and 2.6.

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The textures arent being accessed, check the units files and make sure they have Textures attached to them


I had a look in the ground units files but don't really have much of an idea what I am looking for. There wasn't anything that obviously said anything about textures, however the same can be said for the space units files I looked in too. The space units are fine. Better than fine even, as the old problems I had with space in 2.0 and 2.5 have been totally rectified. It's only this texture problem for the ground part of the game that is plaguing me. It also seems to lag the game majorly when there is the no texture problem. When the ground textures were working fine on the old mods the game ran smoothly.

Plus, if the files were missing texture links then everyone would be having this same problem but so far I am the only one that seems to have been affected.



Edit: Just tested the mod on my other computer and it runs perfectly there. Must just be my laptop having a heart attack. Which is weird as space runs fine.

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No slowing down or crashes for me in this version.

In my opinion this is THE mod for the demo, every other mod out there seems to crash at some point, this doesn't, it's bug-free. No crashes at all since updating to 2.6g. Oh and the cable attack works for me now, I managed to bring down 2 AT-AT's in a battle.

Will you be working on any small scale mods for the full game Grey Ghost?

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Try re-installing the Demo itself, other then that maybe the Laptop doesn't meet the min specs/need new drivers.


I did the reinstall and everything. The laptop is better than the minimum specs by quite a lot. The problem only occurs when I use the mod. Without it the textures are there and everything works fine. Plus it worked fine on earlier versions of the mod, this only started happening from 2.5G.

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Will you be working on any small scale mods for the full game Grey Ghost?
Perhaps. It's hard to say really, depends on the tools and such. I'd be interested in using the engine for content outside the Star Wars Universe, but I'm also interested in a Clone Wars Total Conversion. I'm sure there is going to be more then a few mods dedicated to enhancing the content the game ships with. Plus from digging in the files, the game itself looks like it's going to have quite a bit to keep one busy already.


Plus it worked fine on earlier versions of the mod, this only started happening from 2.5G.
I've never had a problem like yours, but it definately involves your Laptop it seems. I hope you don't have the same problem with the full game.
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