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Gundam Wing Returns!

Rogue Nine

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Guest Quatre

Relena's definitely prettier. tongue.gif



No one understands the tears of gentle people. ~Quatre Raberba Winner[/yellow]

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Has anyone seen Outlaw Star? I saw about 3 eps and it has some great(if short) fight scenes and of course, the omnipresent cat-eared annoying stupid comic relief girl.



Was I supposed to eat the heads too? 'Cause I took nooo prisioners!


Once again, evil is defeated through the use of decorative agricultural technology!


Official forum Psychic

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So says the forum's omnipresent cat-eared annoying stupid comic relief girl tongue.gif





Was I supposed to eat the heads too? 'Cause I took nooo prisioners!


Once again, evil is defeated through the use of decorative agricultural technology!


Official forum Psychic

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Oh joy!


Todays episode it the 'Victorian Nightmare'! One of my personal favorates and my first episode that I watched of Gundam Wing.



BTW, I want to see 'Grief-Stricen Quatre'. I never seen that episode and I heard he had some weird laugh at the end.

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Originally posted by Commander 598:

Since Gundam Wing has returned I am posting the link to a custom made gundam


That "custom" Gundam looks a lot like a modified Epyon.


I'd like to here your own creations...


I'll try to remember to post one of my modified Epyons when I'm finished designing them.


I'm actually doing a story now based on a combination of Gundam Wing, Voltron, Indiana Jones, Legend of Zelda and Power Rangers.


It includes 6 "Dragon" Armours* (hopefully unrecognizeable Epyons) representing the six elements of <FONT COLOR = "green">Earth</FONT>, <FONT COLOR = "light blue">Wind</FONT>, <FONT COLOR = "blue">Water</FONT>, <FONT COLOR = "orange">Fire</FONT>, <FONT COLOR = "red">Heart/Passion</FONT>, and <FONT COLOR = "white">Mind/Reason</FONT>, as well as an Armour based on Deathscythe Hell Custom (representing War instead of Death).


*Armour = my term for Mobile Suit.


As for the <strike>annoying comic-relief</strike> cute, huggable, cat girl:




smile.gif <FONT COLOR = "pink">MERLE!</FONT> smile.gif





"Do fish-people eat fish, or would that be like humans eating monkeys?"

"Humans do eat monkeys. In fact humans eat other humans. . . Y'know, as a species, we are really quite unpleasant."

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I'm in the process of building a model of my Gundam, the good old DemonHawk. The only problem is the lack of most of the parts, as I can't find the EW Deathscythe in the right scale (mine uses the arms, legs, and wings of EW Deathscythe, the torso of Heavyarms Kai, the feet, head, weapons of Deathscythe Hell). I can find a Serpent and an Aries mobile suit model, but not that Deathscythe...


And you if said anyone BUT Cathy earlier in this thread, you're wrong.

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The IR-01MS is incomplete and the Imperial Remnant is looking for a new facility to finish it at.

Damn Vong raids!

We heald them back with it until there heavy warships showed up.

There plasma doesn't cause damage to gundanium alloy except the impact of it but we all know what gundanium can take.





How many gallons of alcohol can a human being consume?

Well lets find out...

*Begins drinking*

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Damn, he knows the impact tolerance of Gundanium!



Was I supposed to eat the heads too? 'Cause I took nooo prisioners!


Once again, evil is defeated through the use of decorative agricultural technology!


Official forum Psychic

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<title>IR-01MS Gundam Firestorm</title>


<td width="370" height="100%" align="left" valign="top">

<font size="5">IR-01MS


</font><font size="6">Gundam Firestorm




<font size="2">





Model number: IR-01MS


Code name: Gundam Firestorm


Unit type: mobile suit


Manufacturer: Imperial Remnant


Operator: Colonel Charr Anzable


First deployment: Unknown


Accomodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso


Dimensions: head height 17.4 meters


Weight: empty 9.0 metric tons; max gross weight unknown


Construction and armor: gundanium alloy


Equipment and design features:Zero Combat System/pilot interface in cockpit</br>

Powerplant: ultracompact fusion reactor, output rating unknown


Performance ability levels: fighting 170; weapons 150; speed 150; power 160; armor 150


Fixed armaments: 2x beam saber, directly powered by generator via cable, stored in rack on hip armor, hand-carried in use,1x Dragon Fang mounted on right arm,1x flamethrower mounted in dragon fang,4x 60mm vulcan, mounted in head, fire-linked


Optional hand armaments: shield, mounted on left forearm, mounts 1 x heat rod, retractable,1x beam rifle stored on back



<img src=http://cmdsms.homestead.com/files/red_epyon.jpg </img>

Gundam Firestorm


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