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HK Protocol Pacifist Package *Spoiler*


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Has anyone figured out how to make this work? It seems to be something you would add when putting Good Ole HK back together, but it doesn't give an option to add it. I'm just curious what HK spews forth when he realizes you've altered his programming to be more passive. I've only incountered this part once in all my play throughs it was at Greeda's shop on Nar Shaddaa. I don't know why they would add the part if it wasn't meant to be used although wierder things have happened I suppose.


Thanks for your input.

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  • 2 years later...

Yea, but the problem is if you tell him to stop asking if you want him to kill someone when ya initiate a conversation with him and then initiate another conversation and tell him to stop whining about it you don't get that option. Anyone know of a possible way to undo that? A hack or something?


BTW sorry for necro posting. I just now noticed this thread ended almost three years ago.

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