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lightsaber fix


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ive recently come across the lightsaber crystal expansion pack by dark ender and its a great mod http://www.pcgamemods.com/mod/11262.html

but ive come across some sort of bug where it will stay on instead of turning off,

it happens if i go to a new area with it on and when the new area loads its already on but it looks odd, more flat id post a pic but i dont know how to take screen shots i think perhaps its the animation that is staying on cause the mods makes the lightsabers pulsate but dont listen to me im a noob =)

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it seems to be a "regular" bug problem.. especially if the Cyan lightsaber was used as a template. Flourishing your weapon (hitting "X") should fix that.. but I understand if that's not the "fix" you'd prefer ;)


Does it happen with all of the sabers.. or just a particular colored one?


There is a fixed version of the standard Cyan saber.. but not for Darkkender's sabers that I know of...


Standard Cyan Saber Fix:


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I also experienced this problem. The blades appear to be a thin sliver every time you enter a new area and do not go off until they are flourished and then allowed to retract. This has only happened with the single blade sabers, not the doubleblades. I told Darkkender about it, but he seems to be in denial. I am glad to see that I am not the only one who saw this bug.

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