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Another Post from me

Guest Jabba The Hunt

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

i know i have been critised for starting a lot of threads here but i just like you all so much i cant stop talking im not even sure which topic i want to talk to you about at the moment let me think... ah got one


right i dont want to sound insulting but i think anyone that visits this sort of forum regually has to be a "geek" or a "nerd" or whatever you want to call it - im not trying to start a war with anyone, i consider myself a geek (i play on my computer at every chance i get) "normal" people (whatever they are) do not do these sort of things, im not saying that nerds and geeks are bad becasue if im right then we have grouped together into a community... cant think how to finnish this thread



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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Guest Fondas

Jabba, either your logical thinking has major flaws or you're just trying to attract attention. Neither is appealing.


It's really a virtue to talk ,when you have something interesting to say and stay silent otherwise.


If you really need to talk about the members' social life , do so by backing up your statements. Then and only then you might have a chance of getting back a decent feedback .


My first impulse was to delete this thread but on second though, I'm going to give the chance to other members to express their opinion.


Any attempt to flame will be dealt accordingly.



"No matter how pretty the bait,

a hook is still a hook !"


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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Exhibit A:



'What's up is clearly defined as the opposite of what is down, in this case being the strongest source of local gravity...failing that, in space, what's up is opposite the direction of accelerative G-force--or what I'm targeting with these laser cannon. Die, b*tch!'


--Official forum space terrorist

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(Forgive me everyone: I know I really shouldn't encourage this, but I can't resist... )

OK Jabba; So we're all geeks and nerds. I have been called both at various times in my time on Earth, and I'm OK with that. I have also been called much, MUCH worse MANY times.


What's your point?


You should try to have a clearer statement when you're going to start a new thread.


I also have to agree with the others about using punctuation marks, grammar, and trying to be a bit more careful with spelling when posting. It doesn't take that much longer, and makes it SOOOO much easier on the rest of us who are attempting to decode your statement to come up with some kind of a response.




[This message has been edited by edlib (edited March 27, 2001).]

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

i have no problem being a geek or nerd i admit i am one i was just making a comment - im not saying that we dont have social live - actually this board probably makes up most of my social life - i didnt mean to insult anyone but a while ago someone did mention that nute was a nerd when they looked at his picture and i think he actually kinda resembled duke



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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Jabba, i have been at these forums for over a year (as different names, of course) and i can count on one hand the number of times i have started a new topic. now, granted i'm not one of the forum's top posters or anything, i know that. but if you really want to talk to everyone here, why don't you try doing it instead of just talking at everyone? just put your thoughts into existing threads, like the rest of us do. how the heck do you think all topics manage to get off topic so quickly? tongue.gif


also, your grammar drives me crazy!! tongue.gif i'm not really one for structure when i'm typing, since i capitalize practically nothing, but please oh please find a grammar book and learn about commas and periods and such things!! i don't know how old you are, but the way you type is slightly reminiscent of a five year old. that is all. biggrin.gif



If you live to be a hundred, i hope i live to be a hundred minus one so i never have to live without you!



Official Forum Chick

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

what is wrong with my typing i may be a bit inaccurate but thats because i touch type and im very poor at it and you may also see that im dyslexic



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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Jabba: While, as anyone who knows me will tell you, I am the greatest computer geek/nerd on the face of the planet, I still find your comments very insulting. Being a geek/nerd is no worse than being anything else. Just because I don't have masses of friends in RL does not mean I'm any less of a person. In this world, there is no such thing as 'normal'.


I presume, and hope, that you were joking. If so, in future, please make some indication of this, such as the use of smilies.

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Originally posted by Admiral Zaarin:

Jabba: While, as anyone who knows me will tell you, I am the greatest computer geek/nerd on the face of the planet, I still find your comments very insulting






"I felt like putting a bullet between the eyes of every Panda that wouldn't screw to save its species. I wanted to open the dump valves on oil tankers and smother all the French beaches I'd never see. I wanted to breathe smoke."<font size=1>


[This message has been edited by Poor Bastard (edited March 27, 2001).]

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Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt:

i know i have been critised for starting a lot of threads here but i just like you all so much i cant stop talking im not even sure which topic i want to talk to you about at the moment let me think... ah got one


If I, just me, posted literally EVERYTHING I thought and started a new topic about EVERYTHING I thought of that wasn't already a topic at some point, I would have about 19000 posts under my name. I'm sure that there would be MANY people with thousands upon thousands of posts if we ALL did what you do.


right i dont want to sound insulting but i think anyone that visits this sort of forum regually has to be a "geek" or a "nerd" or whatever you want to call it


Hmmm, Andy, for example (since I actually know her makes it a bit easier for me to use her as an example), NEVER seemed geeky or nerdy to me. Granted, she doesn't come around as regularly as most people. I don't consider myself a geek or nerd and I'm about as regular as you can be. I consider myself a guy with too much time and nothing to do.


im not trying to start a war with anyone, i consider myself a geek (i play on my computer at every chance i get) "normal" people (whatever they are) do not do these sort of things


Helpful Forum Hint #452: if you think something could possibly start a flame war, then don't post it. The only exception is if the forum has a board specifically for flamming, ie the **** You and Die board at Something Awful. Oh yes, I consider a great deal of the people here to be "normal."


im not saying that nerds and geeks are bad becasue if im right then we have grouped together into a community... cant think how to finnish this thread


At the conclusion of this original post, I have no clue what your point is or if there even was one. After analysing the hell out of this post, I have no ****ing clue what's going on. Are you schizophrenic? The thread clearly starts off as a "I post too much" thing then it's as if another personality takes over and starts a low scale rant about how it think's it's a nerd and that how it believes all people here are nerds and that nerds aren't bad then that personality disengages and the original one is active but isn't sure what to do because it doesn't remember typing all that other nonsense so it just wraps it up and hits submit.

Please seek professional assistance for your mental disability.

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Jabba's scrub just got owned by n00t's roofle!



"I felt like putting a bullet between the eyes of every Panda that wouldn't screw to save its species. I wanted to open the dump valves on oil tankers and smother all the French beaches I'd never see. I wanted to breathe smoke."

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Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt:

let me think... ah got one


See, right there it shifts from personality #1 to personality #2


we have grouped together into a community<font color="red">... </font>cant think how to finnish this thread


Then #2 disengages (see red text), and #1 has no clue what to do.


Clearly, he's schizo.


[This message has been edited by Nute Gunray (edited March 27, 2001).]

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Guest Rogue 9

Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt:

i know i have been critised for starting a lot of threads here but i just like you all so much i cant stop talking im not even sure which topic i want to talk to you about at the moment let me think... ah got one


right i dont want to sound insulting but i think anyone that visits this sort of forum regually has to be a "geek" or a "nerd" or whatever you want to call it - im not trying to start a war with anyone, i consider myself a geek (i play on my computer at every chance i get) "normal" people (whatever they are) do not do these sort of things, im not saying that nerds and geeks are bad becasue if im right then we have grouped together into a community... cant think how to finnish this thread



one note...Nerds Control the Internet, Nukes and Your Computers biggrin.gif, nerd is just a term for someone who'll make more money than you new exsisted rolleyes.gif



"The truest measure of a society is how it treats it's Elderly, It's Pets and It's Prisoners."

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How should I begin, first Don't delete the thread for Milky cannot be blamed for someone elses stupidity and the mods decided to keep it open.


I am not a Nerd. I come to these forums because I like to. So what if I'm good in school, and have a lot of information stored in my head it means nothing. If you think that I am one then see if I give a damn. The only opinion I value is my own. I don't have many friends because I don't want them and think all the people I know in real life are *******s. Furthermore if I wanted to be I could have tons of friends but I don't don't want them for many reasons.






"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb


[This message has been edited by Admiral (edited March 27, 2001).]

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This is the funniest thread ever!!!!



"I felt like putting a bullet between the eyes of every Panda that wouldn't screw to save its species. I wanted to open the dump valves on oil tankers and smother all the French beaches I'd never see. I wanted to breathe smoke."

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Wally the space dolphin thinks that nerds are just normal people who don't get enough whiskey.



'What's up is clearly defined as the opposite of what is down, in this case being the strongest source of local gravity...failing that, in space, what's up is opposite the direction of accelerative G-force--or what I'm targeting with these laser cannon. Die, b*tch!'


--Official forum space terrorist

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