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A big HI from KOL

Guest flameknight

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Guest flameknight

WOW, these forums are really active, i didnt think it would b this big yet.


Any of u guys thinking about get AOM, Age of mythology???


anyway just a hi from the KOL clan:biggs:

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Guest DarkTrooper

i have been thinking how different AOm will be compared to GB i mean for the people who have seen The Mummy Returns i am hoping to renact the Anubis Army hehe

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AoM looks pretty good but i was hoping they would continue in the line of history and make a game like Cossacks where the player is in the Imperial era, you know like in the Patriot where all the guys line up and shoot each other in turns

but it kinda takes out strategy

o well i guess ill keep playing cossacks

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by flameknight

When is swgb going to be out????


Will u guys get it within 1 week??


Wat about AOM, that too??:amidala::atat::band::bdroid1::bdroid2::biggs:


i think many of us are pre-ordering it. :D


as for AOM, i have this little theory that every company must fail at least oncein the 3d rts realm before they can make a good game. So, i think i'll sit AOM out, and wait for the next one that they put out.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

I think AOM will be awsome. But then again I thought thats what Force commander would be. No offense to force commander fans but it wasnt exactlly, errr a high quality top of the line game.

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