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Scarce lightsabers in TSL - help


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I am having a tough time getting lightsabers for my LS Exile in TSL. I've read of a few places I can get them, but I'm thinking of using the SaveGame Editor to add them to my inventory. One, at least. Could someone tell me what the name of the item is that i need to look for? I want a double-sided one. :)

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giving the lightsaber "parts" won't work unless you also set globals. TSL's lightsaber quest parts are "awarded" via a script system...


You can give yourslef a regular double-saber without setting globals, however it won't fill your journal entries or such...


I believe the global you'll need to change is the (Numerics) 000_LightsaberQuest: entry. I would assume you'd want to place a vlaue of 1 (or 3). I'm not sure if it actually "counts" the parts or just sets whether or not the quest is available to pursue further.


You'd want to give yourself the 3 parts:

- lspart01

- lspart02

- lspart03


Hopefully a scripting guru can come to the rescue ;)


IF you've read this far :xp: My Hak Pad mod has a function in it that will award you the 3 parts via the game's script functions so all the globals are set for you just as the game would do it.


You'll still need Bao-Dur in your Party since he's vital in the quest part (he actually builds it)...


The Hak Pad is a cheating "supplement", by far nowhere near as powerful as KSE, but it's handy for in-game cheating for basic stuff :) The link is in my sig below...

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Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't clear in my question. Your answer was really good for someone frustrated with getting their first lightsaber.

(small spoiler ahead)

My Exile has her lightsaber, but I would like to get one for BaoDur, Kreiea, and Visas. I managed to get a short one from the Vogga area, but I want to get a double or regular lightsaber. So I figured I would use the Savegame Editor and just add one in and take out the short one.

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Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't clear in my question. Your answer was really good for someone frustrated with getting their first lightsaber.

(small spoiler ahead)

My Exile has her lightsaber, but I would like to get one for BaoDur, Kreiea, and Visas. I managed to get a short one from the Vogga area, but I want to get a double or regular lightsaber. So I figured I would use the Savegame Editor and just add one in and take out the short one.

oops.. my bad :o


Your post was clear.. my "reading skills" is the faulty link here... hehehe... I didn't notice the plural "lightsabers" which should've tipped me off ;)


You can find a complete list of TSL items here:




The "name" in the parentheses are the actual cheat codes (minus the ".uti") you would look for in KSE or by manually typing them in the 'invisible' cheat console... also, my Hak Pad mod can give you those as well :D


As for in-game acquiring (non-cheat) the Random Loot is a fickle beast, but I'm sure there are possibly some areas of the game where they will be a guaranteed pay-off.. I just can't think of them right at the moment :(

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Your Hak Pad looks like loads of fun! I don't especially like the random loot system, because I may never get some fun things to try. I've never used a Mod of this type for Kotor. I had some problems using Mods in NWN, so I stayed away from them with this game. But this looks so cool i am going to give it a try. I wish i had it when i cheated to get Hanharr instead of Mira! (I used the KSE to give myself DS points, then changed my points back after getting him.)

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I wish i had it when i cheated to get Hanharr instead of Mira! (I used the KSE to give myself DS points, then changed my points back after getting him.)

*** frantically waves raised hand ***

Teacher, teacher! Linda is cheating again! (just kidding heh-heh) ;)


I highly recommend ChAiNz.2da's Hak Pad and Hak Pad Booster Mod. All I do is use the KSE to add it to my inventory and then I hardly have to use KSE after that. It's so much easier to be able to get an item or make a tweak in-game than having to save game and then go back to KSE to make the change, then reload. Don't get me wrong. I'm sure glad to have tk102's KSE but the Hak Pad mod just makes it easier to make changes on the fly.

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If you like tweaking, then I'd also highly suggest mrdefender's Wrist Console. He's added so much stuff it'll make your head spin.. what's even better, is that both his mod and mine "play nice" together :D


Both have functions where you can activate the other's mod from within... (we cheaters are crafty like that.. hehehe ;) )


mrdefender's Wrist Console:



Keep in mind, neither of these mods are nearly as powerful as tk102's KSE... ALWAYS have the latest version of it readily available ;)


tk102's KSE:


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