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SW: Empire at War Mod Manager


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Thats great don, thanks! :)


Admrial Sith:


I check it out and it seems to be the same problem that don was having, i'm not exactly sure what specific char in the info section could be causing it but i am certian it's only 1. In the mean time this confirms that I do need to find/do a better way of parsing the options section. I assure you in the next release that bug will be corrected :)

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Admirla sith:


Concering the warlods mod it looks like you forgot the Data directory in the mods folder (not the options the main mods folder) and because of that the mod manager skips it. This is of course a bug and something i'll fix, i know i know i gotta get you guys that log window comming promiss *hehe* Just wanted to let you or anyone else know if they just add and empty Data directory to the warlords mod folder then it will work just fine :)



I noticed you got some replies that look like people haveing issues if you need my help with them let me know or if there bugs or something they find also please let me know thanks :)


I've started work on the next release now, and I hope to have it out to you all soon, i'm not sure when but it should be before the retail version of the game comes out. I'll let you all know when it's done. Thanks and keep the feedback/bugs/questions coming! may the force be with you!

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Hey Admrial Sith/Don:


Wanted to give you a quick heads up I just finshed programing the next release of the mod manager. I'm not releasing it yet because i'm still working on getting a proper manuel/help file together. But I wanted to let you all know that all previous bugs you two encountered or course mainly that special chars is now fixed and working properly :) WOOT! *hehe*


Took some time to setup the new code properly but now it works with no problems. BTW sith I tested it with the rise of rebellion .mod file you posted and it worked (shows mod options) now. So there was some kind of special char somewhere. I also discovered a few other bugs witch I have also now fixed. If you know of any other bugs/issues i may not be aware of thou please let me know. In the mean time I will finsh the manuel/help file and hopefully get this out to you all by the end of monday, not sure on that but what i'm hoping for.


Of course I will update this post once the new release is out, and as you requested don I will pm you. Keep the feedback coming, thanks and may the force be with you!

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New release for download. Post updated with the information.


Also want to let you all know i'll be re-doing my system for a hard drive upgrade for a couple days so if you ask any questions/problems it may take me a day or two to respond, just wanted to give a heads up to you all :) Thanks and may the force be with you!

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heya admrial sith:


This should only happen once everytime you run it there is a bit of the pause because of various checks and what not, if it seems to be rather constant that it's possible the having the log window save to text file could be the culprit since it's updateing the log constanly during a activation/deactive of a mod.


Otherwise i'm not sure why you' have thoese problems i have very few and what ones i had i contrinubted to cpu/applications i had open. Still something to keep an eye on :)

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if your getting a 404 error make sure your using IE/try IE.


From some reason other browsers don't like web1000 very much. (i just tried it and it worked fine) if you still can't get to it then try and wait untill eawhq has there mirror up. Thanks sorry for the incovenence i miss my old main website :(

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New release! Retail version support!!!! Mod manager now functions for both demo and retail versions!!!


Heya all, well sorry it took so long got caught up playing EAW of course *hehe* but here it is all ready for everyone! Let me know if you spot any bugs/problems, also finnaly have a full manuel for you all hope it helps! Any feedback/suggestions please let me know, enjoy it and may the force be with you all! :)

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you dont have to be smart. I am well aware when it was created, i saw this thread when it first came out. There a possibility, small as it may be that it would work. + i dont see it in the demo mod forum, so my first thought, it might work

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