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Guest Jabba The Hunt

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

yes i know ive asked this before but my parents dont believe me - are americans (and any other country for that matter) force by law to do any sort of work in the army of armed forces of any kind or anything like that sort of thing please get to back to me because everybody here thinks we are the only country that doesnt



"How Long have I got"

"1 hour 57 mins"

"Ill phone you back in 2 hours!"


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The draft is now cleverly called "Selective Service" and is the stupidest thing ever.

I hate that all MALES have to or we face JAIL TIME and can't get federal loans/grants for stuff, but FEMALES don't. If chicks want to be able to join the military, then they should have to register for Selective Service too.


If it hits the point were they need to call up the draft, well, Canada please forget all the nasty stuff I said about you cuz I'm wussing out and coming to visit for a bit biggrin.gif

unless we're fighting china...damn chinese...then i'd join up on my own and kill thousands of them whilst screaming "WHERE'S YOUR MAO NOW SUCKA!" damn commies...but don't get me wrong, i love China #2 or as we call it "Taiwan." But i dislike RED CHINA with a passion.

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If you're attending a university, you get a higher draft number which makes it less likely they'll select yours (meaning you're like unless we're REALLY LOSING, you're not going).

If you flee the country, they can't mail your draft card...that's was the most common way of avoiding the draft.


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Guest rosencrantz

Canada doesnt require nuthin. we are the peacekeepers biggrin.gif

now don't go gettin any o' yo fancy ideas of takin us over, boys. we may *appear* to be unprepared, but MAN CAN WE KICK SOME @$$ disturbed.gif

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Guest Rogue 9

Why would we even threaten Military action against Canada, a trade embargo would do the trick and with no fatalities, no offense anyone

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

so in peace time will you normally be called up



"How Long have I got"

"1 hour 57 mins"

"Ill phone you back in 2 hours!"


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spain does too. and i think german does to a degree, but i'm not sure about that one or not.

i sleep soundly at night knowing there are 4000 nuclear warheads in subs and missile silos keeping someone from being a moron and threatening this country and then having to make me get off my ass and go kill their Red/Nazi/Radical Muslim/Dictator-selves

damn commies

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In Germany you gotta do at least two years in the Millitary, but the pacifists can do work in hospitals instead.


And besides, why go to all the trouble of going abroad to avoid the Draft, just become a conciensius (Sp?) Objector.



Self proclaimed Forum 90's Dude



'Now, if I could just say a few words, I'd be a better public speaker.

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Guest Rogue 9

The nukes make me Comfortable too...the only country really capable of threatining the U.S. anymore is Red China, because of the shear size of there military, and the tenacity with which they tend to fight, our only way to quickly win a war with china would be too nuke all of there silos before then can launch and then threaten them with complete thermo-nuclear desemination.

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China's 8-10 million man army doesn't scare me one bit. They don't have the means to deploy such a vast force. And even IF they somehow managed to scrap together enough ships to turn into troop transports (just think about how many ships that would be...), the Pacific is a BIIIIIIG thing to sail across. We'd be taking pot-shots at them the whole time. And an amphibious surface formation is the absolute most vulnerable naval formation. We'd definite nuke that fleet and we could whittle 10 million down to a few hundred thousand pretty quick.

And if we didn't want to nuke them and match them man for man (which is pretty useless nowadays. A cruise missile can kill a chinese battalion in their barracks just as dead as an american battalion attacking) we would call up our good friends Taiwan and South Korea for the assist as they are right in China's shadow. Taiwan I believe has an army of two million and i know that South Korea has a standing army of 8.5 million (SK's army IS larger than china's. PRC has a standing army of 8 mil that is able to be enlarged to 10. SK is supposedly able to get troops strength up to 11 mil, as they known they need to outfight both NK and PRC if there was a second Korean war). The US, SK, and ROC would be well over PRC's 10 million, plus we'd have much more and shinier stuff than infantry. PRC might have a few thousand tanks, but we've got a few hundred BETTER tanks, a few thousands Anti-armor missile, and a few hundred attack helicopters...

maybe later today i'll polish off my scenario for WWIII and post it.................

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Originally posted by rosencrantz:

Canada doesnt require nuthin. we are the peacekeepers biggrin.gif

now don't go gettin any o' yo fancy ideas of takin us over, boys. we may *appear* to be unprepared, but MAN CAN WE KICK SOME @$$


Well I guess Rosie answers and speaks for me: Oh yeah, WE KICK @$$ !!


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Here it is....

<font size="5">WORLD WAR III</font>


NOTE: this assumes three things:

1) Iranian, Chinese, and North Korea missile technology remains as it stands today

2) The USN caved and withdrew from Okinawa

3) Pakistan's air force remains in it's current state


DATE: Sometime between late 2001 and 2006


WWIII will be triggered from a single hotspot and spread to a war of unparalleled destruction on many continents. Here's the trigger...

India and Pakistan finally have had enough and decide it's time to have it out. India launches six nuclear missiles at three targets in Pakistan. Pakistan fires six missiles to "reply in kind" with. Now, since this has been brewing for a while, the US had deployed a CVBG to the area a ways back. As soon as the missile launches are detected, one of the Aegis equipped ships in the fleet launches a volley of 20 SM-2ER SAMs at the IRBMs. Aided by the ship's Theater Ballistic Missile Defense system, all 12 missiles are destroyed in flgight. The US condemns the action and says that any further nuclear missile launch will be dealt with the same way and both sides' nuclear missile bases will be destroyed. India then launches an attack on Pakistan with their nice sized fleet of Tu-95 bombers loaded with Russian build ALCMs. This puts the US in an odd position: fire on the Indian bombers (which would kill Indians) or stand back and let the Indians bomb Pakistan (after all, the Pakistanis DID attack India..). As you can see, there is no way out of this one; either way you're going to war with someone. The US shoots down the bombers and destroys both sides missile fields. This puts the US and some of her allies in a shooting war with Pakistan and India. China and North Korea both see this as a great opportunity. With the US not stationed in Okinawa and the vast majority of US equipment tied up trying to fight a war in the Indo-pakistani theater, China makes a grab for Taiwan and North Korea goes after South Korea. The few thousand US troops in SK carry out their only orders on how to deal with a NK invasion: the 40 or so nuclear artillery shells are to be fired at the NK formations. The US deals this blow to the Communist forces and the US troops are quickly over-run (this is the ACTUAL plan for a NK invasion. it's the only place that the orders have only a nuclear version. there is no conventional orders and the troops are ordered to not retreat until they are relieved by SK soldiers. i did not make that up). NK, now pissed that they just got a few hundred thousand troops vaporized, gets China to launch a nuclear strike on South Korea. Seoul is now gone, as are a few MILLION of the SK defenders. Taiwan falls quickly without US defenders.


This is where my current scenario ends. It gets too hazy to really continue with any certainty. It starts to depend on how the fighting is going in India/Pakistan and what NATO is doing. What are the Russians doing? What other hot-spots would flare up now that the only big kid on the block is tied up? Would Israel erupt into war again? Would Turkey and Greece start fighting over Cyprus? Would the US launch a nuclear strike on China? Would the Chinese believe the US was planning to destroy thier 12 ICBMs and "use it or lose it?" I think one of the BIGGEST of my things I cannot predict is what the Russians would do. While they seem to have entered into an unholy alliance with China right now for the sake of having someone to sell things to, the Russians have long hated China. Would they take their chance and strike at China? Or would they side with China? Would China become ambition enough to invade Siberia again?

Things are even MORE bizarre when you think back to that original exchange. What if India and/or Pakistan was nuked? Fallout would directly effect China. Would China see reprisal in some way?


As you can see, I've thought this one out biggrin.gif

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Guest Rogue 9

NUte you are almost as bad as me biggrin.gif, I already have my part in that somewhat planned out, including the stockpiled survival gear I keep in my care and all the supplies I have stashed at home, I also have many types of hand to hand weapons because the eventual breakdown of industry will cause all spare firearms ammo to be allocated to military use...

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You almost feel sorry for the Chinese, but then you remember that they're <font color=red>Communists</font>.


This is something I've never understood. I don't like the idea of communism that much, but almost every person I've ever met from the US seems to hate it with a vengeance. Hatred of China seems particularly high. I must admit, I am appalled at their governmental system and some of the things it does, but again, almost every US person I've ever met seems to hate China as a whole, as in every Chinese person is to be hated. On a side note, China isn't really communist, even though they call themselves that, they're more like a total dictatorship. True communism is nigh on impossible to obtain.


*hides behind flame-proof shield* wink.gif

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1) Communists didn't point 3500 ICBMS at your country. They did it to us. They still do it.

2) China has 12 ICBMs. Six are pointed at us. We don't like that.


And I dont take kindly to socialists either....or liberals...or anyone that's not me....

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