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What are you doing with JEDI OUTCAST rite now?


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Ok your campaign must be ended .. and if by chance you only have LAN to play multiplayer games ... Then what are you supposed to do with jedi outcast??

i have jedi academy too .. but the stupid codes have made the frame rates worse ..

So i wanna get back to jedi outcast ... what am i supposed to do with it now??

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Play mods, play bots?


What "stupid codes" are you talking about, out of curiosity? If you mean "honor codes" then you could easily argue those are present in both games, but clearly you can't mean that if you only have a LAN to play on (unless all your LAN buddies are honor freaks...).

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Oh heavens where do I start....





Ok your campaign must be ended .. and if by chance you only have LAN to play multiplayer games ... Then what are you supposed to do with jedi outcast??


Well obviously you have internet connectivity so why don't you join the community and play?


Playing on LAN would be pretty boring I think unless you had alot of |33t friends around.



i have jedi academy too .. but the stupid codes have made the frame rates worse ..

So i wanna get back to jedi outcast ... what am i supposed to do with it now??


I just got Academy so I won't touch the frame rates issue though I doubt any one else really knows what your talking about.



What are you supposed to do with JO?


First download XFIRE


This program, when used appropriately will give you a list of servers to choose from. Since you posted this thread, I'm assuming you have the internet correct?


Install/Open XFire


Pick a server and double click on it.


You have now joined the server, please follow the rules or you will be bantished.










Play mods, play bots?


What "stupid codes" are you talking about, out of curiosity? If you mean "honor codes" then you could easily argue those are present in both games, but clearly you can't mean that if you only have a LAN to play on (unless all your LAN buddies are honor freaks...).


Oh Kurgan, charming as always though I'm afraid this is yet another one of your stabs at a certain segment of the gaming population.


(which happens to be a pariah around here I might add)



Personaly I'm not much for honor codes, to much of a temptation to choke people. Nontheless, 'honor freaks' deserve the same ammount of respect that any other player does and we shouldn't judge them for the way they play... if that's fun for them, good thing.


I guess I'm just standing up for my friends over at the ThC clan, they're 'honorable guys' :p

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Well obviously you have internet connectivity so why don't you join the community and play?


Playing on LAN would be pretty boring I think unless you had alot of |33t friends around.


Obviously, but then for all we knew he was posting from a different computer (work, school) than the one he can use for gaming.



First download XFIRE


This program, when used appropriately will give you a list of servers to choose from. Since you posted this thread, I'm assuming you have the internet correct?


Install/Open XFire


Pick a server and double click on it.


You have now joined the server, please follow the rules or you will be bantished.


Good advice, there's also All-Seeing Eye and Qtracker as well. Not to knock Xfire at all of course. Though (and this is a nitpick) he should already be able to see servers inside JK2. ;)



Oh Kurgan, charming as always though I'm afraid this is yet another one of your stabs at a certain segment of the gaming population.


(which happens to be a pariah around here I might add)


I don't see how this is one of my "personal stabs." It's well known that "honor codes" exist in both JK2 and JA online communities. I was merely pointing out that fact, and wondering if he "stupid codes" he meant "stupid (honor) codes" which would be a valid enough assumption. His post was rather ambigious in any case. If he had said "stupid rules" that would have been more clear.


Personaly I'm not much for honor codes, to much of a temptation to choke people. Nontheless, 'honor freaks' deserve the same ammount of respect that any other player does and we shouldn't judge them for the way they play... if that's fun for them, good thing.


I guess I'm just standing up for my friends over at the ThC clan, they're 'honorable guys' :p


Fair enough. I'd say at least three "honor players" have shown me respect that I recollect. This compared to the dozens which have shown the opposite or lack of it. Perhaps that makes me a bit biased, but in any case, the point of my post was not to attack honor players, since that horse has already been beaten to death. The only honor players I really have a problem with are the ones who insist I (and the majority of people) not be allowed to play the game normally, that's all.

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Obviously, but then for all we knew he was posting from a different computer (work, school) than the one he can use for gaming.


Correct, how silly of me.



I don't see how this is one of my "personal stabs." It's well known that "honor codes" exist in both JK2 and JA online communities. I was merely pointing out that fact, and wondering if he "stupid codes" he meant "stupid (honor) codes" which would be a valid enough assumption. His post was rather ambigious in any case. If he had said "stupid rules" that would have been more clear.


Kurgan, Kurgan, Kurgan. Please look at what you wrote right there and tell me it's not spin. I particularly like this rationalization....



....I was merely pointing out that fact, and wondering if he "stupid codes" he meant "stupid (honor) codes" which would be a valid enough assumption.....



All I did was enter: "kurgan" and "honor"


Into the search and I found some interesting tid bits.....



Don't tell me you were one of those folks who felt that "Honorable gameplay" trumped all... 'cause if you are then this discussion is over.



....It's the "honor" people who are unsportsmanlike when they get killed and then whine "oh, but you didn't REALLY win, because I was typing/had my saber down/you forgot to bow/you used a cheap power or move I couldn't counter." It's the honor people who are unsportsmanlike when they ban/votekick somebody for beating them fair and square according to the rules Raven built into the game.......



Quite a rant... are you sure that ALL honor players are like that? How about those three that 'respected' you?



"Honor" players are basically being elitest snobs, by saying their highly limited choice of play method is the only one, and anyone who disagrees isn't a true player/fan of the series. What a load of BS............With my rant out of the way, the thing that kept me going with JK2 was CTF..............




Biased maybe?



Oh here's a good one, you even started your own thread.


.....It struck me recently, as I was watching the Star Wars films, by George Lucas and LucasFilm, that the Jedi in it have a lot to learn about "honor," a concept throughly mastered by this community of gamers.....


Oh how cute, I love it how you send these people to hell and have them enjoy the trip.....funny stuff.



You can find more of your rants on the honor community simply by clicking HERE





Gosh ya know I really hate being nitpicky about things though it kind of rubs me the wrong way when I encounter spin like this:



...I was merely pointing out that fact, and wondering if he "stupid codes" he meant "stupid (honor) codes" which would be a valid enough assumption.



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Okay, now maybe that's a little harsh. I'm sure he didn't mean ALL the honorz community when he said those things. As most of us do, he generalized.


Also, I used to play honorz when I was new to the game, but I never whined about losing back in my "Imperial days". I picked up a few habits that die hard, like allowing your opponent to pick up a dropped saber. But I never felt right about laming someone like that, so...

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I know, I know... thats what happens when you get really bored and pedantic.


I'd edit it, but that would be untruthful. I hope that Kurgan doesn't take offense to it but it is how I feel.


I also realize that alot of people will have differences in oppinion and thats okay I think.


Then again I'd hate for this thread to turn into some type of honor v.s. competitive discussion as my sympathies for that group of players goes only so far, I just think that they should be treated with the same ammount of respect.

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