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Ever lose your car?


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It's about the 3rd worst feeling in the world, right after being diagnosed with a fatal illness and being told a loved one has died.

Came out of work tonight after having a day that would make someone less even-tempered than I want to kick puppies, only to walk to the lot where I left my car earlier this afternoon and discovered it was no longer there. Now I'm not exactly authorized to use the lot where I left it, but after almost 8 years of using it nights and weekends almost every week, I gave no thought to leaving it there today. It is the private lot for the administration of the college where I work, and since they only use it 9-5 M-F, well...

A co-worker's car that arrived the same time I did and was parked just behind me was still there as I stood there circling the lot stunned. I assumed at that point that it was stolen, since it's a brand new (less than 3000 miles) Volkswagen. I walked back to work, unassure what to do. I called the Security office at the school to see if there had been any suspicious activity going on today.

"Blue VW? Yeah, I saw it. We towed it!" I was told cheerfully. Huh?!? Seems one of the admin people showed up and pitched a hissy fit that there was someone using thier spot. I grumbled several explitives under my breath, and then called the tow company. "Yeah we got it. 95 bucks." Swell. Of course you know the lot was miles away and located in the seediest part of town. It would have to be, wouldn't it?

Well I got it back now, and I didn't have to pay after all, since someone discovered that the admin people don't really have control of those spots outside of the M-F 9-5 times, so the college made a mistake having me towed in the first place! SCORE! I looked it over for damage and didn't see any, but I will have to do it more carefully in the daylight tomorrow.

I guess in the long run there was no real harm done except to my nerves and the loss of a couple of hours on a Sunday night at the end of a VERY long week. But still, it's a real crummy feeling when you first realize something valuable of yours is gone. I guess it's all part of the price of living and working if the big city. Still, it does make my current sig a bit ironic in this context. I meant it as a joke, but now...

Anything like this happen to anybody else? Bummer, isn't it?




"I seem to be having tremendous difficulty with my life-style"


[This message has been edited by edlib (edited April 08, 2001).]

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Guest Rogue 9

My Dad had his Camry Stolen and I totaled my jeep within two weeks of each other, the bad part was I had just spent 3k on a new engine for my Jeep and the Inssurance only gave me 5k in all frown.gif

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Sorry to hear about your Jeep. That sucks dude.

A friend of mine rebuilt his old Dodge with his own hands. Looked and ran great. The day he finished with it he was showing it off to us when some idiot ran a stop sign and bashed the hell out of it. He was a young kid at the time so he inevitably was held at fault by his insurance co. even though I was there and saw the whole thing and told them so. He was not a happy boy that day.

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Guest rosencrantz

i lose my <font color="white"> ghostboggan </font color="white"> every time i park in a large parkin lot! i always forget to look where i've parked it! damnation disturbed.gif

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Guest Fondas

Originally posted by rosencrantz:

i lose my <font color="white"> ghostboggan </font color="white"> every time i park in a large parkin lot! i always forget to look where i've parked it! damnation disturbed.gif


That's why you need a car alarm with a distinctive sound and a good remote ! wink.gif


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Guest Jabba The Hunt

dont have a car and i cant be bothered to read all that



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Someday in the far future, advanced cars with onboard AI will suddenly opt for independence, and surprise everyone by stealing themselves.


That's not for awhile, though. biggrin.gif

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My car on the disabled list right now.


It start after a summer shower. left the lights on which caused the battery to die. Well, got a freind to help me jump it. Then I was about to put it into gear when the clutch cable broke. Sratched me head for a while, talked with my dad and figured how to drive it wihtout he clutch (not easy)


The next day, get a replacement clutch cable, replace it. And find out the Clutch wont release. Which turns it into a $300-$500 repair job.


And what really bites is that I was going to go on vacation this week frown.gif

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No, I was not driving it. A virus enter in my AT-AT and change the autoexec.bat, so it take a random coordinate and go here at top velocity. It does impact on Nute´s house, just in the bathroom´s wall. Fortunatly it stop there.

The front legs take a lot of damage, because... a bathroom with bunker type walls?



Also knowed as Kanon

Let get those guys

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

I have convinced Ike's car that it would be better off without him and liberated it across the Mexican border FOR GREAT JUSTICE!!!


biggrin.gif <font size=1>Vive la resistance!</font>

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