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modifying build times?


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Anyone know how to do this?


I tried changing the

<Build_Time_Seconds> </Build_Time_Seconds>
in the spaceunitscapital.xml to 1 second, but they still take the same amount of time to build as before. I figure there must be something overriding the xml file, since all the vessels in the demo seem to take the same amount of time to build, but i am not sure where it may be...


Thanks in advance for your help! ;D

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just do what your doing just dont make it stupid or it does not accept it also are u sure that the ship was not built you might of missed it as it only takes a second





"Damnit, why isn't this working?" *Click, click, click, click* "Hey, since when do I have 18 VSDs??"

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just do what your doing just dont make it stupid or it does not accept it also are u sure that the ship was not built you might of missed it as it only takes a second



hehe i wish, i watched the construction and it took more than 1 second :(


oh btw i am using B&G 2.6 mod. i also took a look at the xml files in the config.meg archive, i couldnt find anything that looked like a global build timer. i will have to take another look (or two) to be sure, though.

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I seen that too. But it is for MP. They define 0 as normal time, 1.0 as 100% increase. I guess I never tried since it said MP. I will tell you in a few minutes if it changes any thing. I just doubt since a cpital ship was 90 seconds to build while a simple IPV was set for 18 seconds to build. I measured all units space land and structures all take exactly 20 seconds. This must be a universal override.


Plus I found an entry for hyperspace speed travel, to slow down the galactic movement of fleets. I want the game a bit more slower paced with longer drawn out epic battles.


As it is, it a one big **** fest.




That has no effect on build time. Maybe changing the value in difficulty.xml may make a difference. On easy you are supposed get a faster build time.

I also thought building multiple building could make a faster build time as stated, but in this BG Mod you can only build one of a building on a given planet, you must re-enable multi-building such as mines (-1) -->2 to get more. Something like that.


Else, it is locked up real good in the DLL or EXE.

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