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Lag in Cities

Great Scott!

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Hey, when I used to play this game, I actually quit only due to huge lag in cities. My graphics card is great (Radeon 9200) and hasn't caused similar problems in any other games, but for some reason it used to just due this on SWG. But now that I'm thinking of resubscribing, and that I've heard the game was completely revamped, I wanna know if this lag problem is still there (assuming anyone else has had the same problem or read about it in an update log or something). Thanks!

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Alot depends on the distance youare to the server as well. Everyone knows that the servers that run Galaxies are powered by Hamsters (we've all seen the pics!) and since NGE lag increased.


I've 2 gig ram and it was still bad - even out of cities. The best thing to do, is try the starter kit get yourself off the space station and have a look around before throwing any money at this game.



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I think SWG lags very much because of all the options you have for character creation. Nobody looks alike in SWG, and that takes alot of RAM and connection. In WoW, you can only choose a face, some hair, and a beard (if you're male lol, sorry to all you hairy ladies out there), but there's no lag at all.


I think that's one of the main reasons for lag, but of course it cannot only be that. Their servers do suck.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Lag wasnt really an issue until the dark times, until they brought in player cities and decay.


I used to play on Eclipse server from teh UK and our regular 70v70+ pvp battles didnt generate much lag to be honest. Since players cities and now NGE, lag has become a nightmare.


I would open my inventory and you couldnt even see the items displayed like you used to.



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I find it intersting how before (pre-CU) I would experience very little lag. After the CU took effect I started noticing small increases of lag, but once the NGE hit the lag really got bad. It has gotten better, but still at times it is just annoying. Walking through Mos Entha and hitting a lag spike (with no one else around) is just weird. During the hologrind phase I didn't experience these kinds of slow downs.


Unsure what the problems is, but I think a big help would be to eliminate alot of structures that no one uses anymore. Going through player cities and seeing structures with tags like "So-and-So's personal storage #1." Half of these structures are probably from people that quit the game, I say after X amount of months they should be deleted. No use in keeping structures that no one is using. Might make some people upset, but if you know you are leaving the game put the items you know you want to keep in a safety deposit box, or put it on your toon in a backpack or something.


A friend of mine said the lag has gotten worse with each patch they have done, I tend to agree, although with the game being almost barren at times lag really shouldn't be that big of an issue.

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