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No more pears!!!

Guest Zoom Rabbit

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

That's it! PBgrin.gif I'm killing all the pear trees!


The lovely mountain hamlet of Medford, Oregon, location of the infamous Rabbit Hole wink.gif, is one of the world's leading producers of pears. The city is surrounded by orchards, and there are vast tracts of warehouses and packing facilities that deal primarily with moving the fruit. In fact, the industry is so important to the local economy that there is an annual Pear Blossom Festival the day before Easter, with a parade.


There is no parade on the Fourth of July, or Veteran's Day, or anything except the Pear Blossom Parade. It is the one parade that bears the expression of all our civic 'pride,' and the highschool band kids practice ALL YEAR just for this one opportunity to be in a parade. rolleyes.gif Needless, to say, it is our biggest civic event of the whole year.


It also takes place thirty feet outside my bedroom window.


Now, Zoom is a dinner cook at a local restaurant...closing shifts can go anywhere up to two in the morning, so I keep my normal hours in the 'night owl' category. Bedtime for me is usually five o'clock in the morning. The Pear Blossom Parade (which is conveniently formed up on the street directly in front of my house) starts getting noisy around eight am or so, with marching bands at nine... mad.gif


So, no more pears. I'm sorry, but I've decided to cut down all the pear trees tonight after work with my samurai sword, and there just won't be any more. No pears, no pear festival, and no f**king parade, either! biggrin.gif All gone. See ya.


And then I can sleep in peace. wink.gif

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

You can't compare apples to oranges, but since you can compare apples to pears, well-- *FZAP!*


<font size=1>CPU offline: reboot/protocol/inactive</font>

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

hijacks thread in new and strange way -


everyone list strangest ways in which threads have beeen hijacked not just on here but elsewhere as well



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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Guest Jabba The Hunt

see i hijacked the thread and then they hijacked it off me!!!! i told u it would be a new and strange way



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Hostages, eh? I'll show you pups how to take hostages...


*(Beams a nuclear warhead out of its silo in the United States, holds it suspended by tractor beam a thousand meters over downtown Beijing. Hacks warhead's coding with advanced optronic solid configuration computer technology and enables firing sequence with new protocols.)*


Consider yourselves all my hostages. biggrin.gif FOR GREAT JUSTICE!!!


<font size=1>Vive la resistance.</font>

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Guest Rogue 9

weren't you just defending china a while back zoom, now your holding a nuke over their capitol city, you got more personalities than a puppet

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