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Man, this place is dying....

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Guest Thrawn

This place always slows down in the spring and summer when it warms up and we can go outside. Don't worry.



"Noobies Suck"


Rogue 6

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Maybe we could fit more topics on a page if Jabba wouldn't start so darn many rolleyes.gif...



Was I supposed to eat the heads too? 'Cause I took nooo prisioners!


Once again, evil is defeated through the use of decorative agricultural technology!


Official forum Psychic

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I've been too busy with work for the past few days to even check in that often, let alone contribute! I'm sure I'm not alone here in this situation.

However, it seems to me after reading thru the posts of the last few days, notably the "He is risen" thread, that the depth, meaning and quality of the discussions here has gone up, making up for the lack of sheer numbers of posts.

Oh, and Taarkin; I think Jabba's been showing considerable restraint for the last couple of days, and he deserves credit for that.

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

umm i think if i was allowed to post more the it would make more people post as a lot of my threads would get up to about 20 or 30 posts in a day



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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Guest Redwing

I don't get a chance to post much because I feel overwhelmed at all the stuff going on. Not much I can relate too. And those topics that do demand I that post a reply about every five minutes or get left behind, so...

Plus we can't discuss the game here in the community center, so there's no overall unifying topic. (Unlike RS.net... tongue.gif)



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

*(Pulls up next to Redwing, matches speed and 'waggles' in greeting.)*


Why, whatever do you mean? rolleyes.gif



'What's up is clearly defined as the opposite of what is down, in this case being the strongest source of local gravity...failing that, in space, what's up is opposite the direction of accelerative G-force--or what I'm targeting with these laser cannon. Die, b*tch!'


--Official forum space terrorist

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

you guys think this forum travels quickly if you go to space battles you have to go on atleast 12 times a day to keep up with the converastion, i had it connected to my brain so i could follow what was going on while i was asleep smile.gif



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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